Happy Valentine's Day

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The bell rang signalling the beginning of class. Today was Valentine's Day which meant the teacher would pass out gifts from secret admires, boyfriends, and girlfriends to the students.

"Okay everyone be quiet," Ms. Haruna yelled clapping her hands twice bringing everyone's attention to her.

"As you know today is Valentine's Day so I will pass out the gifts now so everyone please pay attention," Ms. Haruna said while walking to her desk.

"Ahhhh I can't wait to see if someone got something for me," Ichigo gushed in excitement.

"Me either," Makoto replied excited.

"Okay so first we have Ichigo," Ms. Haruna announced. "Come get your things Ichigo."

Ichigo stood up and went up to Ms. Huranu who handed her a white stuffed teddy bear holding a heart, two boxes of chocolates, and red roses.

Ichigo returned to her seat excited and put her things down giving Makoto, Usagi, and Sakura a  high-five.

"Makoto," Ms. Haruna said.

Makoto smiled cheerfully and went up and got handed three boxes of choclates and three letters.

She sat back down smiling happily while blushing.

"Usagi Tsukino," Ms. Haruna called up.

Usagi stood up and got handed a letter, a box of chocolates, and a teddy bear holding a pink and red rose.

She smiled and wondered, 'Who could these be from.'

Time Skip

School had ended and Usagi and the girls headed to the Arcade. The girls talked about the gifts they got and trying to guess who gave who what.

They finally got to the arcade and sat down in a booth ordering their food.

"So Usagi who do you think gave you your presents," Ichigo asked happily.

"I don't know," Usagi replied shrugging.

"Well you have to guess," Sakura said smirking.

"Yeah girl," Makoto replied.

"Well I guess Zachary," Usagi replied blushing.

"Awwww Usagi that's so cute," the girls said dreamily.

"Well look who's right over there," Ichigo pointed at the front counter.

Usagi and the others looked and Zachary Anderson stood there laughing with Motoki.

"Go ask him out Usagi," Sakura whispered to her.

"No way," Usagi replied blushing.

"Come on girl you've had a huge crush on him since middle school," Makoto said.

"No guys I don't even think he likes me," Usagi said sadly.

"Hi Ondago," a voice behind the girls spoke.

They all turned around and saw Mamoru Chiba.

"What do you want," Sakura asked glaring at him.

"Oh just came to say hi and ask Ondago if she liked my gifts. So did you," he asked Usagi.

The girls were shocked and glared at Mamoru.

"Oh so they were from you," Usagi replied coldly to him.

"Yeah they did so will you go on a date with me," Mamoru asked smirking with confidence.

"How about no," Usagi said before turning away from him.

"What do you mean no," Mamoru screamed and turned Usagi around forcefully and hurting her.

"Owww what was that for baka," Usagi screamed.

"You will go on a date with me. You got that no one says no to me," Mamoru said coldly.

"I don't think so," a voice said behind Mamoru.

He turned around and a fist collided to his face sending him flying.

"When a girl says no she means no," there in the spotlight was Zachary.

The girls all stared at him with shock. Had he really done that?

"Are you okay?" Zachary asked.

"Y-yes thank you," Usagi replied blushing.

"No problem," he said. "Umm well I'm Zachary, but you can call me Zach. I was just here because I wanted to ask you something."

"Ummm yeah sure what is it," Usagi asked.

"Umm well you see I wanted to see if you would like to be my girlfriend," Zach asked blushing.

"Awwwww," the girls cooed behind Usagi while Motoki smirked from the counter.

"Y-yeah I would like yo be your girlfriend," Usagi replied blushing madly.

"Umm well would you like to go on a date then," Zach asked happily.

"Mhm," Usagi said nodding her head and stood up.

"Sorry girls I need to leave," Usagi said.

"No problem Usagi we need to teach this guy a lesson anyways," Ichigo replied pointing at Mamoru who was on the ground.

"Well bye then." Zach and Usagi left and talked happily on the way.

"Well what should we do to you," Mamoru heard someone say.

He looked up and saw Sakura and Makoto glaring at him while Sakura smirked at him.

"Motoki were going to borrow your lounge room," Sakura yelled.

"Yeah sure take your time," he replied smirking

"This will be fun," Sakura smirked while dragging a begging Mamoru into the room.

Let's just say Mamoru was sent to the hospital for a month.


Omg sorry guys I know this is late, but I hope you enjoy it. You see I had been a bit sick lately and felt a bit weak and slept a lot yesterday so I couldn't upload this. I'm so sorry, but I hope you still like it.

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