Sailor Venus and Jupiter vs Minako

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"I will go," Minako smirked stepping up into the battlefield.

"Then Jupiter and I will go," Sailor Venus said.

"Venus that would be unfair," Sir Edmond said.

"No it actaully wouldn't," the figure started speaking, "since I think both Venus and Jupiter would like to take revenge on Minako for what she did in the past. I give permission for both Sailor Venus and Jupiter to go."

"What do you mean for what she did to us," Sailor Jupiter asked.

"Jupiter don't you remember what she did," Venus said.

"No I can't remember," she said confused.

"Jupiter," Cosmos called ou to her, "don't you remember Minako stole your fiance, Malachite."

Jupiter and the others except Minako, Venus, Cosmo, and the mysterious man stood shocked.

"B-but that can't be I was with Nephrite," Jupiter said.

"No Jupiter you weren't," Venus replied sadly. "You and Malachite met on Saturn while he was negotiating with the queen of Saturn and you were with Princess Hotaru."

Jupiter began thinking and suddenly the memories slammed into her head. She remembered how she met Malachite and something else.

"Venus she was your sister and killed you didn't she," Jupiter asked her.

Venus stayed quiet and whispered, "Yes."

Everyone gasped loudly while staring at Minako.

"T-that is so not true," Minako screamed in anger.

"Yes it is and I shall make you pay," Venus replied and then screamed,"Crescent Beam."

Venus' crescent beam hit Minako in the face harshly leaving her a red angry scratch.


"Wow little sis don't get angry," Venus sarcastically said.

"That's it. Venus hertbreak chain," Minako yelled.

A dark golden chain appeared. It was formed of half hatrs that seemed broken.

"Supreme Thunder," Jupiter yelled out.

The lighting bolts hit Minako violently. She started bleeding and fell down to the ground.

Before she could get better Venus yelled out, "Cover your ears."

Everyone covered there ears and waited to see what would happen.

"Microphone of Venus," Venus yelled out raising her hand up.

A microphone appeared in her hand and she began yelling into it and sound waves appeared and weakened Minako before she stood up.

"Flower Hurricane," Jupiter yelled.

A gurricane of flowers appeared and headed towards Minako. The steel petals scratched her up leaving little red angry scratches in her body.

"Venus jealously attack," Minako said and a green fog started forming in the battle field.

Venus and Jupiter covered their noses and mouths trying not to breath in the fog.

'We only have to survive this for two minutes then the must will disappear,' Venus though.

Two minutes passed and the fog vanished. Venus and Jupiter were safe. They didn't breath any of tge gog so they were okay.

"Let's end this," Venus whispered under her breath.

"Stone sword," Venus yelled a sword appearing in her hands.

Jupiter nodded and said, "Jupiter thunderbolt."

Thundervolts appeared in her hands and tgrew them at the sword Venus held.

The sword had now little bolts of powerful engery surrounding it.

Venus then ran at Minako and plunged the sword inside of her. "This is the end little sister."

Minako fell to the gro and dissapered just like Ami did.

"The winners are Sailor Jupiter and Venus. You shall now be Super Sailor Venus and Jupiter and now have your titles back as Princesses of Jupiter and Venus," the man said.

Jupiter and Venus nodded and ran back to their friends who congratulated them happily.

Meanwhile, Rei and the other were angry and Rei started yelling at her group to do better and not to loose the next battle.


I have decided that Betrayed will be posted every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I will also be making a Valentines Day special on Wednesday. I hope you all come and read the special, I would really appreciate it.

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