Giant! Mosquito

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After that  I walk away from that weird fortune teller, I began to eat at cafeteria. I line up in for buying the food as I watch peoples that still waiting and lining up outside that Fortune Teller stand.

After some minute, I had a tray of sandwich and a bowl of salad. I also have my chocolate smoothie! Yum! I sit at the jocks table with PJ, Undyne, BP, and SG. I eat my sandwich as we all talked about our future.

PJ's Future :
Your future is really sad, Soon you will miss someone you love, Someone that always by your side and always support you. They died because they only want the best for the world and want everyone to be happy.

They didn't want any of you suffer, Or even dead. By their dead, Soon your memories about them comeback. Your memories about your past with them, The happy memories that everyone want, The memories that will stay forever in your heart.

Soon... You will learn the fact that someone you love soon will die.

Undyne's Future :
Because of your rage, You lose someone you love. Because of your angriness toward them, You will kill someone. Don't let your angriness boiled up inside you or you will lose someone you love.

You and her will fight them for someone you both love, You and her want justice to everyone. You and Her work up and fight them to get justice and happy ending for everyone. Soon both of your work will repaid by 2 life.

That 2 life... Is someone by your side...

BP's Future :
Soon you will be successful in selling food named Burger. You also soon will find someone you love, By someone you love is someone that always with you, Play with you, Talk to you and standing by your side.

She is... Someone important...

SG's Future :
You will get justice for your family and friends, You will dated someone rich and someone who also loved you too. He is someone that always with you, Standing by your side, Come to you when you need help,

Pull you out from problems and always cheer your mood up. He is the one who is in your heart.

Wow... Everyone have their own future like me... But not as tragic as me. Then I hear something like an earthquake.




You look at the giant who was walking inside the cafeteria. Who's invite him anyway? No one invites him. Also he isn't look like a student nor teacher. That giant also have a ugly look, He have hole in his mouth, Have a sharp tail, and his body were purple.

He look like an ugly mosquito! Wonder how many times I should kick him down... If a single mosquito, I can kill it with both of my hand clapped. But he..... Hmmm.... Giant hands! Lolz

That giant mosquito look around the cafeteria then spotted on me. He have a sinister smirk on his face while he look at me deadly in his eyes. Everyone in cafeteria afraid except me. Then Paint Dude and Glitch Shit come in a panic state.

"Wha? What happen here?" Paint Dude asked but quickly go silent as he saw that Giant Mosquito.

"Shh Ink, He was the top criminal in this world. How can he ran out from the jail!?" Glitch shit said as he backed a little.

"Yea" Ink said as he backed too.

"HEY KID OVER THERE!" That giant ugly mosquito yelled and point a finger at me, Everyone in cafeteria immediately look at me in slight panic.

"Yes? What problem with this kid?" I asked with a chill and lazy voice.


"What lesson? Math? English? Computer? Biology? History? Oh yeah... You can't teach me lessons now, It's break time. So shush! Go away! I want to eat, And you are wasting my time." I said with a teasing voice.

"UGH HOW DARE YA KID!?" He yelled again.

"I'm a kid that have a high dare, So come at me and punch my face if you can!" I said smirking.

He was running to me, Kicking and punching down all the table that was blocking him. I still sit in my chair eating and watching him who have a aggressive mood. What an ugly monster.

He tried to punch my face, But I teleported away and then kick him from the back. Huh weaklings. He fall down and crash many tables or chairs. He get up, Dusting off himself as he stared at me.


"So... Boring..."


"Are you sure?"


"Yez, I afraid that you might get killed by me."


"As you wish..."

He began attacked me again, But with his sharp tail. I don't have time to dodge or more like to lazy to dodge so I held up my arm defensively as he attacked my arm multiples time. He laugh maniacally as I started to think about food... Yummy.

While I was thinking about food, He suddenly kick my stomach up to the sky as I coughed up blood. I saw my HP reduces, From 1 HP to 0.7 HP. I fall down as I hit the floor with a loud sound. My shades broke, My aura changes, From chill one to dark and cold one.

Heh... I haven't flip my switch on for a while... Hehe... I stand up slowly as I stared at that ugly Giant Mosquito with a dark eyes as lots of black substances coming out from my eyes. All of the students and teacher stares at me in fear included that ass.

That ugly giant mosquito quickly regain himself as he began attacked me again, But I dodged it easily. My eyes still dark and murderous as I kick him in the stomach sending him flying crash the wall.

I smiled murderously as I walked to him and leave up his chin. He stared at me in horror as he try to attack me with his tail but I dodged then I feel something stab my stomach, That stick... He drink my blood with that stick.

I fall to the ground as because I feel weak. I lost many bloods because he drink all my blood ugh fuck. He then laugh manically as he look all students then to... My Jammy.

He walked slowly to Jammy as he want to choke Jammy's neck and make him die. I won't let that happen! Suddenly energy boost down to my body as my murder aura surrounding my body.

I jumped to his giant body and twisted his head upside down, He then fall to the ground and he died because his neck twisted by me hehehe.... Shit... I must control... I quickly returned back to normal and look at the mess...

The cafeteria is full of mess. Tables, Chairs, Walls and even food are scattering and broken everywhere. The worst part is everyone stared at me in horror. Shit... Why I can't control it earlier!

Shit shit shit shit shit.... I feel my vision become blurry because if blood lost. My legs can't hold my body any more as I fall to the ground, My vision darken as all I could see before I passed out was Jammy and his voice. I passes out.

°Jammy POV°
"Y/N! WAKE UP!" I yelled shaking her slightly. She had already saved me again, Why I must to be a weak person! I want to be useful by someone! She had saves me many time...

And I can't do anything... She even think myself more than anything else, even herself or... Because of promise? But- Her aura different from her usual aura. Her aura seems more dangerous and murderous.

Her usual aura were chill, lazy and cool. Is this because of that shades? I don't know but I must bring Y/n to the nurse now.

Hey hey my partner!
Thanks for reading this and I checked it, This book got +5k!


TheoEvelyn out!

Words - 1370 words

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