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A/n : I know this is super late. Forgive me for being a bad author

You can play the music while hearing to this
This is a cute and fuzzy fluff
I hope you have fun

°Your POV°
Cold breezes flew by me, Hitting me as I walked down the street. I looked down, I was in a very deep thought.

A blue bright scarf wrapped around me, The end of the scarf was floating from the cold breeze. Never I thought, I would have a X-mas party with everyone.

That was fun tho, But I felt something was missing here. What was the meaning of happiness tho? Did I ever be happy? Or am I happy now?

Happy is when your bones are rattling, Your genuine smile plastered on your face, Your heart skipped a beat then suddenly it pumped really slow and calming, Your soul was glowing brightly and dancing around, following the beat.

If you hadn't found any of that feelings, It meant that you hadn't found your happiness.

But, How can I find them...?

You must find a reason to be happy Y/n. No one couldn't be happy if they didn't find their own reason to be happy. You must search for the reason, To be happy. Do something different and just try to find anything that make you hApPY.

Within that, The voice disappeared. Weird.

Since when the last time I felt happiness? Since when I felt that feelings inside me? I didn't know. All I know is little piece of my soul back and I feel a little angry, sad, confusion, pain and fun.

It felt... Uncompleted.

I sighed and kept walking to the cold snow that slowly fell down, Chilling down to me.

A tosca sweater warmed me from the cold outside, Boots and longs socks also helping to warm me up. People were walking pass me by, Chatting with their beloved family.

They looked happy...

I always wanted family since I born. I never knew who was my family, I didn't know if they were still alive and I didn't even know that I really have family or not.

...What did it feel like to have a family? People said it was a warm, comfort feeling. Like a bright and warm sunlight hit you, You will always feel safe and sound, Wherever you are, No matter what time is it.

I wanted to feel that feelings too. I wanted to feel loved. I wanted to feel the brightness inside my soul that will always dancing to the beat of happiness. I hoped that I like them, Having family that you know that they will always protect you and keep you company anytime.

I accidentally bumped into someone, Making me fell down to my butt. I didn't bother look up to them. I walked pass them, Whispering a silent sorry. I didn't feel like want to see someone today.

"Y/n? Is that you?" A male voice asked, Tapping my shoulder gently. I turned around, Facing him with a little frown that unnoticeable because I was wearing a scarf.

"Yes... Why?" I asked bluntly, Looking at the person that I didn't even recognize. After all he was wearing a over sized hat, A glasses, A scarf that covering his nose and mouth and a fluffy bunny headphone.

"Long time we haven't see each other!" The person said with a bright smile, Hugging me tightly. I didn't even recognize him, The thing I was doing was staring at him with both of confused look and a suspicious look.

"It seems you don't remember me don't you? It's me! Fresh!" He spoke excitedly. Fresh? Fresh blood? Oh yea... Fresh. PJ's ex boyfriend. I didn't bother to fight him too. After all it's in the past, PJ had his own happy life.

"Oh. Nice to see you again Fresh Fruit." I spoke bluntly, looking away from him. He looked at me with his concerned eyes. He grasped my shoulder, Making me to face his eyes.

"Y/n, What's wrong?" Fresh asked as his eyes filled with care and concern. The only things I did was looking down, Leaving his questions unanswered and mumbled a silent nothing.

"Hmm... This isn't Y/n I know, Y/n I know is overprotective to PJ, Hate me, Mr. Mettaton, Coach Error and Bunny, Roasted everyone, Cool and calm. Not a pile of sad emotion floating around her!" Fresh spoke, shaking my body.

"I dunno that my act is like that before." I spoke silently. Fresh sighed, "Fancy Grillby's?" He asked smiling warmly at me. I can feel his warm aura surrounded him, Sending a nice vibration.

I nodded my head solemnly. He dragged me to Grillby's with a cheery smile. I didn't know why he was being so nice to me, Was it because Christmas? Or his mood was bright today?

Fresh opened the fancy glass door, The door hit the bell, Sending the chirping sound of the Christmassy bell. We both entered and closed the door.

The cold temperature from outside now vanished and changed into a warm, comfy and fuzzy atmosphere. I could smelled the smell of alcohol and some nice smells of onion bread.

Fresh dragged us to the booth and pushed me down. I sat down at the comfy and soft booth with a little smile plastered on my face. He smiled at me, Knowing that I enjoy this place as much as him.

"Feeling better?" He asked, Sitting down too on the red blood booth. I nodded my head softly, I lowered down my scarf so my mouth uncovered.

"What do you want to eat? I will pay the bill." Fresh asked. I shook my head in denial, I didn't want to bother him or being a poor girl that need food.

"Why... Are you being so nice to me Fresh?" I asked softly, Looking directly at his face.

"This is Christmas, Don't cha know? Christmas Day is the day where we forgive each other, meet our family and friends, share our happy moment and be happy! Even though I don' have family." Fresh said frowning a little.

"Wait, You d-don't?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yup! But at least I have friends and my pets!" Fresh chirped.

"So you forgive me because of Christmas?" I asked.

Fresh shook his head, "Not only that! Actually I know your concern about PJ and want him to be always happy. I am happy that PJ is happy."

I looked at him in disbelief, I didn't expect this at all. Small tears swelled my eyes, My eyes opened wide and my mouth hung open inside.

Somehow, When I heard what he just said, I felt much more better. I felt some of my weight on my shoulder reduces. My soul skipped a beat. For the very first time someone forgive me and understand me.

I bursted down crying, Fresh grew worry and panicked. "D-did I say something w-wrong?" He panicked. I shook my head in denial, I smiled at him.

I hugged him tightly, I said something I did not believe, "Thank you." He smiled sweetly at me and hugged me back. He soothed my back, Whispering, "No problem, Y/n."

A/n : You thought at first the fluff is with PJ? Hah! Not today, We need to get lil cinnamon fresh first!

I know this update is suck
You can't really spent time with PJ in this update
But, I hope you understand.
You must befriend with Fresh

We must fix something that we did in the past and looked at the bright future ahead

I hope you enjoy this
And sorry for being a bad author

1286 words
Theo out

Wild Flower [] NAJ PJ × Jock Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now