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°Y/n PoV°
I felt that my body slowly became glitching day by day. I felt my body slowly fading away and became invisible. I don't know what happened, But I know I can't stay here for too long.

My world became white suddenly, Betty in front of me. In my hand suddenly there's a scythe. I held it firmly, Bloods were decorated my clothes.

I don't know what had I killed, But for sure it's not Betty. I looked at her and slowly get into my position. I even hadn't have time to train PJ to become stronger, To defend himself. I hope he is alright. After what he had seen, It's just a misunderstanding.

Betty ran to me, A sly smirk on her face as she swung her scythe at me as I blocked it. I saw my hands glitched, My eyes widened. Betty's body also glitching black and white.

"Don't put your guard down dearie~" She purred as she kicked my stomach, Sending me flying to the wall and crashed there. Blood tricked down from my mouth as I shakily stand up.

"You seemed to be fazed by something~" She purred, Walking closer to me. Our body glitching worsened. She held my chin as we stared at each other.

"Dear sister~"

Wild Flower [] NAJ PJ × Jock Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now