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It was a grueling 14-hour flight, and Kihyun was glad to be finally able to move again. Being cooped up in that tiny seat was not something he fancied greatly.

As he stood to wait for his luggage, he saw the flight attendant again.

What's his name again? He thought for a while. Oh, Son Hyunwoo.

When he made eye contact with Hyunwoo, he flashed the latter a shy smile. Hyunwoo waved before disappearing into the staff lounge with the other flight attendants.

When Kihyun got his luggage, he slowly made his way out of the airport. He looked down at his watch.

10:48 PM

It's time to adjust the time on my watch, he said as he slowly turned the dials to change the time to Korean time.

11:48 AM

It all felt so foreign. The Hangul on signboards everywhere gave him a little shock. He couldn't even remember the last time he saw so much Hangul in one place.

He dragged his luggage along the pavement, taking in the somewhat familiar sight. There was a lot of things he had to do, now that he was back in Korea, and finding his aunt's house was on the top of the list.

He took a small folded slip of paper out of his wallet and unfolded it. There was an address on it. A small smile appeared on his lips.

It was the address of his old house.

So, it seems like things aren't going to be so different after all.

With a spring in his step, he began heading to the nearest bus stop.


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