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He waited outside the arrival hall, leaning against the wall. His sunglasses were on despite being indoors.

Do keep a low profile until we give you the all-clear.

Fuck that. He occasionally glanced at his phone to check the time. It was 2:45 pm. Hyunwoo would be touching down in about an hour.

He'd get a little heart attack every time the airport security team walked past him. Calm down, you're wearing a long-sleeved black shirt. No one will see your tattoo.

He tugged on his right sleeve even tighter.

It was a painful wait. He watched as hundreds of people filed out of the arrival hall. He kept a lookout for the flight attendants, who usually emerged after the passengers.

Finally, he saw a familiar figure. Son Hyunwoo, we meet again. Pulling his cap down over his eyes, he began walking towards Hyunwoo, who was deep in conversation with his colleagues.

He quickened his pace while keeping a safe distance between himself and Hyunwoo. He pulled out his phone and called Minkyun.

"I'm following him now. Get into standby. I'll make contact once he's outside the airport."

"Roger that, over."

He slipped his phone back into his back pocket. You left me with no choice, Hyunwoo. You're just too nosy for your own good.

The moment Hyunwoo bade farewell to his colleagues and headed for the car park, Kihyun began running towards him.

"Hey, Hyunwoo!"

Hyunwoo turned around at the sound of his name. Kihyun noticed the slight widening of his eyes when the latter saw him.

"What a coincidence, I was here waiting for my friends when I saw you." He shot Hyunwoo a sly smile. Hyunwoo grinned awkwardly. "Yeah...it's such a coincidence."

Kihyun walked over and placed an arm around Hyunwoo's shoulders. "I want to hear about your flight to London. How was it?" Kihyun's fingers tightened around Hyunwoo's shoulder blade.

Satisfaction swelled within him.

There's no escape now, my friend.


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