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He spent the day hanging out at the mall, either at the arcade or at MacDonald's, trying to look like a customer. The day stretched into what felt like months, but the wait was finally over.

Kihyun left the mall at 10:00 pm and began heading over to the club. I wonder why Red would come back...and why did she come for Hoseok?


He shook the thought from his head and continued walking. It can't be, can it? Kihyun brushed a strand of hair from his face. He glanced at the box in his arms. I really wonder what is inside this box, and why Hoseok chose to give it to Red. He shook the box gently.

Something bounced around on the inside. Wild thoughts flashed through his head. Calm down, it's probably not the head of one of her men. Kihyun shuddered. He knew Hoseok was capable of anything when it came to getting revenge.

He arrived at the club within 15 minutes of walking. Long time no see, Club White Rose. He pushed the door opened and saw the familiar sight of people dancing and drinking.

Kihyun headed for the bouncer. The bouncer stared at him coldly. Kihyun calmly rolled up the sleeves of his silk top, revealing the tattoo of a rose on his forearm.

The bouncer bowed and stepped aside. Kihyun pulled his sleeve down and headed down the stairs into Club White Rose.

Loud music was blaring from the speakers and the strobe lights were seriously hurting his eyes. He glanced around at the huge mass of people dancing and drinking.

Time to catch a bitch.

He pulled out a pair of sunglasses from his pocket and put them on. Kihyun made his way through the crowd carefully, keeping an eye out for a woman with straight blonde hair.

He found her soon enough, at the back of the club, teasing a few male club-goers. He smirked and headed towards her, the box cradled under one arm.

When he stopped in front of Red, she looked up with a sickeningly sweet expression on her face. "Do you want to join us for a drink?" She cooed, standing up to greet him.

The moment her manicured hand came into contact with his arm, he pushed it away. Whipping his sunglasses off, he slammed the box on the table. "I'm not here to be part of your fun and games."

When Red realised who he was, her face turned and white as a sheet. "What are you doing here? I-I thought you went to America?" She stuttered, backing away. Kihyun folded his arms across his chest. "I could ask you the same thing."

Leaning forward, he smiled. "Except I don't need to know why you're back. Let's just say it's a very bad decision on your part to come back."

He looked at the box on the table. "I've got a little present for you. You can call it an early Christmas gift from yours truly." He tapped the box and winked at her before leaving.

He strode out of the club, leaving Red standing in a state of shock and fear, staring at the black box that sat before her.

Hands shaking, she slowly undid the velvet ribbon. A lump formed in her throat. She carefully lifted the lid off the box and took a look inside the box.

With a bloodcurdling scream, she slammed the lid down and pushed it off the table, drawing the attention of the people around her.

"No... it can't be... it can't!"

I surrender.

She fell back into the sofa and hugged herself tightly, shaking in horror.

Yoo Kihyun, you win.


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