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He arrived at the gates to Hyungwon's vast white mansion. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves before he pressed the doorbell once.

It took a minute or so before Hyungwon opened the door and approached him.

"Kihyun, is that you?" Disbelief hung off Hyungwon's words.

Kihyun wasn't surprised when Hyungwon asked him that. After all, he had dyed his hair a bubblegum pink while he was in America and changed his fashion style rather drastically.

"Yeah, it's me." Jeez, it feels so strange speaking Korean again after so long. He scratched the back of his head.

Hyungwon stepped aside and let Kihyun come in. Kihyun realized he had never gone to Hyungwon's house before. "I'll get you some drinks. Is orange juice fine?" Hyungwon called out from the kitchen. "Anything, thanks!"

Kihyun looked around. This man practically lived in a castle. Hyungwon's house was so well-furnished and it was so aesthetically pleasing. When Hyungwon returned with a glass of orange juice, Kihyun took it gratefully.

"So....what brings you back here?" Hyungwon sat down across him.

"I guess I was starting to miss everyone here," Kihyun explained while sipping the cold beverage, "and it's only polite if I drop my old friends a visit now that I'm back."

Hyungwon smiled but remained silent. "Oh, by the way, have you heard any news of Hoseok? I tried contacting him yesterday but I couldn't get through."

Hyungwon sat up straight at the sound of Hoseok's name. "I.... don't want to talk about him at the moment. I'm sorry."

Ask him about the post. Kihyun took out his phone and showed Hyungwon the photo he posted a couple days ago.

"Is everything okay?" Hyungwon looked away. "I'm sorry, but I don't really want to answer that." Kihyun kept his phone quickly and gulped down the rest of his orange juice.

"I'm sorry for asking. I shouldn't have pried." Hyungwon shook his head. "It's okay....I think you deserve to know the truth....you are Hoseok's friend after all."

Hyungwon cleared his throat. "Hoseok and I....we broke up two weeks ago. I haven't heard from him since then."

Wait, what? Kihyun was overwhelmed by the news. They broke up!  So that means....

....that means they were together?!


As if he knew what Kihyun was thinking, Hyungwon looked up and smiled bitterly. "Yes, Hoseok was my boyfriend." Kihyun must have looked really dumbfounded, because Hyungwon went on to say, "You know, like, we're both gay."

Kihyun nodded furiously. "Yeah, I know what you mean." Just, how? Hoseok hated Hyungwon's guts after he had exposed the two of them to the school.

Hyungwon sighed. "Everything is in a mess now. I don't even know what to do now." Kihyun placed the empty glass on the coffee table. He really wanted to know what happened, but he knew it would be insensitive to ask.

Hyungwon forced a smile. "But if you want to look for Hoseok, here's his new address." He rummaged around in the cabinet and pulled a crumpled piece of paper.

Kihyun took the paper over and smoothed it out. He was surprised to see that Hoseok's apartment was just two streets away from his.

"Thanks." Kihyun smiled. "Do you mind if I leave now?" Hyungwon shook his head and showed him out. Just as Kihyun was about to leave, Hyungwon grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

"When you see Hoseok, help me tell him to take care of himself...."


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