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A loud, booming laugh tinged with the first vestiges of a psychotic break. A smile so sweet and lopsided, that could turn sinister in the blink of an eye.

These are the nicest things the doctors use to describe Kim Namjoon. 23 years old. Incredibly smart. More handsome than you can believe until you get a really good look at him. He shouldn't be in a place like Busan Mental Hospital for the Criminally Insane. But it seems to be what fate had chosen for him.


"Alright, who's gonna take the kid on today?" Dr. Lee Minseok asks with a weary sigh. "I did it yesterday. It's someone else's turn." The rest of the doctors in their little circle all mumble lame excuses about having other patients to attend to. All except one.

"Um, I'll do it." Dr. Kim Seokjin steps forward, somewhat boldly, but with a hesitation in his movements that comes with being a new doctor.

Dr. Lee mulls this over in his mind for a moment. On one hand, it's Dr. Kim's first week working there, and he shouldn't be charged with such a challenging patient right off the bat. But on the other hand, no other doctor in the whole place wants to deal with said patient. Reluctantly, he hands the chart to Dr. Kim. "Alright. I recommend skimming over that before going in to see him though, so you know what you're dealing with." By this point, the rest of the doctors had retreated to their metaphorical corners, and Dr. Lee soon does the same.

"Okay, th-thank you!" Dr. Kim calls after him. Shaking his head slowly when he realized the veteran doctor can't hear him, he flips open the chart and begins to read.

Name: Kim Namjoon
Date of birth: 12 September 1994.
Height: 181 cm (5'11")
Weight: 67 kg (147 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Birthplace: Ilsan, Gyeonggi-d, South Korea
Eye color: Dark brown
Natural hair color: Black

Medication allergies: None
Family medical history: Nothing of note

The first couple of pages are all standard things that even a general care physician would have access to. Dr. Kim chews on his lower lip, something he does when he's nervous, as he starts to read the page containing the reason why Namjoon is in the institution in the first place. As he reads, his heart starts racing. His palms feel clammy and his hands shake violently, causing the chart to fall from his grip and land on the floor with a clatter. He gets strange looks, but he doesn't register anyone talking to him or looking at him as he absorbs the information he just took in.

What the hell has he gotten himself into?

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