Chapter Twenty-One

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“Your turn!” Hoseok laughs delightedly as he lays down yet another card. He's on a roll, and he's two cards away from winning Uno against the nurse whose turn it is to watch him. She frowns and scans the cards in her hand for a moment, and then there's a knock on the door. The nurse places her cards face down and stands to open the door. Seconds later, Dr. Zhang steps in.

“Hi, Hoseok-ah.” He smiles kindly at his patient and then turns to the nurse. “Ara, may we have a moment alone please?” She nods and leaves the room, closing the door quietly behind her, and the doctor takes her previously vacated seat. “I have good news. You'll never have to worry about Jimin bothering you again.”

Hoseok freezes in the middle of reaching for his cup of water, and he retracts his hand, giving his full attention to the doctor. “What do you mean? Is he okay?”

“He's fine,” Dr. Zhang says quickly, “and I know you still care for him. I'm glad you're concerned for his safety. It shows that you're progressing in the right direction.” He smiles, making his patient beam with pride. “What I mean by you not having to worry about him is he's being transferred to a prison where he'll never get out.”

“Never?” Hoseok's dark chocolate eyes open wide in shock. “But what about his family?”

“We'll worry about that, Hoseok-ah.” The doctor leans forward to squeeze Hoseok's hand. “My shift is almost over, so I'm going to go home. If you need anything, remember that Dr. Lee is still here, and everyone wants to make sure you're okay, even when I'm not here.” Hoseok nods and squeezes his doctor's hand right back. “I'm proud of you. Never forget that, okay? I'll see you tomorrow morning.”

“I won't, Dr. Zhang. Thank you. Goodnight.” Hoseok smiles at his doctor as he leaves the room, and he can't help the chuckle that bubbles up from his lips when Ara comes back into the room. “Are you ready for me to win?” he asks in a sing-song tone.

The game ends a few rounds later, with Hoseok winning, and the bedtime routine of checking Hoseok's room for any weapons or contraband is performed before he's given his nighttime medications and left mostly alone for the night except for the male nurse stationed in the corner of his room to watch him. Hoseok ignores his presence and rolls over to stare up at the ceiling, quietly contemplating the events of the last few weeks. For the umpteenth time, he's glad he decided not to talk to Jimin anymore. At the same time, though, he feels a sense of guilt, and he wonders what, if anything, Jimin will do to hurt other people in the prison he's going to.


“No! You can't lock me up in here!” Even though Jimin's wrists and ankles are cuffed, he fights every step of the way as tall, strong guards carry him between them down the hallways to the cell that will be his new home. He growls and twists his body in an attempt so kick the guards on either side of him, but it does no good. Their tight hold on him doesn't lessen, and when he does manage to kick them, they don't react in any way. He finally tires himself out, but he doesn't stop hurling empty threats and curses at them, even after they reach his cell and somewhat roughly place him in there, the metal bar door closing with a resounding thud that rings in Jimin's mind hours after they've left him alone.

He growls and throws himself repeatedly at the bars, as if the sheer force that his 173-centimeter frame is giving will be enough to break them so he can make a run for it. He gives up, panting heavily, his body slick with sweat and covered in bruises and cuts. He collapses onto his bed and throws an arm over his face to block out the harsh fluorescent lighting as he catches his breath.

“Finally. I thought you'd never fucking quit.” A gruff voice from somewhere nearby startles Jimin enough to make him yelp. “Aw, did I scare you, pup?” The tone is condescending, and the chuckle that follows is sinister and sends a displeasurable shiver up Jimin's spine.

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