Chapter Twenty-Five

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“What the hell?!” Seokjin asks as he jumps up from the couch, barely catching his laptop before it hits the floor and hugging it tightly to his chest.

“Hyung, go upstairs. Hide in your room. Now.” Yoongi's voice is serious. Seokjin wants to stop him, and, as if the younger can sense his distress, his gaze softens slightly. “We'll be right behind you. Come on. Let's go!!” The three men make a mad dash for the stairs right as there's a loud bang on the door.

“Seokjin, I know you're in there!” comes an all-too-familiar voice that makes goosebumps rise all over Seokjin's skin. “I've come back for you, my love. We can finally be together. Let me in. I just wanna talk~”

“KEEP GOING!” Taehyung whisper yells, even though it won't do any good since Namjoon obviously knows they're home.

Seokjin keeps running for his bedroom as if he hadn't heard Namjoon speak at all. He locks the door and shoves his dresser in front of it to keep it closed, and then he grabs the Swiss Army knife from his nightstand and keeps it clutched in one fist while he dials 119, sliding down the wall behind his bed and hugging his knees to his chest. As it's ringing, a loud crash resounds downstairs, making Seokjin flinch. “Seokjin, where are you?!” Namjoon sharply yells.

“Yes, what's your emergency?”

“Hello. The escaped mental patient Kim Namjoon is in my house right now.” Seokjin keeps his voice low.

“Okay, sir, give me your address.” The operator sounds frantic but in control, and Seokjin gives her the required information quickly. “The police are on their way.”

“Thank you.” Seokjin ends the call and strains to hear any signs of Namjoon moving through the house. He hears a few crashes and bangs, the signs of doors opening and things being broken or thrown on the floor. Seokjin shakes his head slowly. 'It's just stuff. Stuff can be replaced.' he repeats to himself like a mantra with each crash he hears.

'Wait... are they getting closer...?'

Suddenly there's a loud shattering noise that sounds like it's right outside Seokjin's door. He bites down hard on his lip to keep the scream in that he wants to let out.

And then he hears it.



“NO!” He screams, unable to help himself. Surely Namjoon has found Yoongi and Taehyung and killed them. He starts crying loudly and uncontrollably.

“Jinnie, baby, why are you crying?” Namjoon's voice sounds from right outside Seokjin's bedroom door, and his stomach turns. “I have to do whatever I can to get to you. You're my love. We belong together. Let me in, baby, so we can talk.”

Seokjin feels like he's about to vomit every time Namjoon calls him baby, but he stands shakily to his feet, tears streaming down his face as his shoulders shake. He takes a few deep breaths while he quickly goes through his options. He could either be defiant, or he could pretend to give Namjoon what he wants. With his two friends dead, though, he can't even stomach the second option.


“What?!” Namjoon roars. There are two gunshots, and Seokjin instinctively dives to the ground, right as a bullet comes through the door and flies less than a foot over his head. “Are you sure you're okay with that answer, Jinnie?” His voice is softer, but there's no warmth in it. There are more gunshots, followed by the sound of metal breaking. It then dawns on Seokjin that he's shooting at the doorknob and the hinges. He stays on the ground, though, until the gunshots stop and there's the sound of wood cracking and splintering.

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