Chapter Six

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"Appa no, not again, please no!"

"It's okay, Hoseok-ah. This is how fathers show their love for their children."

"No it's not! Eomma told me--" The child is silenced with a smack to his face.

"Shut up and take it. I love you, Hoseok. I love you. Appa loves you. Let me show you how much..."

Hoseok gasps and wakes up with a start. He can practically feel the grime, blood, and cum staining his skin. He feels disgusting, even though he's nowhere near his father. He needs a shower, but it's the middle of the night and he's locked in his room. Groaning in frustration, he closes his eyes and tries to push the thoughts out of his mind. But none of his usual methods of getting rid of the vesitges of his nightmare are working. The thoughts and flashbacks plague his subconscious and take over his mind until he can no longer keep his frustration and disgust to himself. He lets out a loud cry of anguish as he covers his face with his hands and rubs his eyes harshly.

"Hyung, what's wrong?!" Jimin leaps out of bed and is at Hoseok's side in an instant. "What happened?" Hoseok is breathing heavily and is clenching his hands into fists. "Hyung, no. Breathe. Calm down. Don't--"

"It's my fault, Jimin. My fault. He raped me because he wanted to show me his love, and I didn't accept it, so he was harder on me. It's my fucking fault." Hoseok bursts into tears and digs his nails into his palms. Jimin climbs into bed with the older and hugs him close.

"Shh, Hobi, shh. Just remember he can't hurt you anymore. He can never hurt you again, remember? He got what he deserved."

"Got what he deserved," Hoseok repeats in a low murmur, his voice monotone as if he's in a daze.

"That's right, hyung. Your father got what he deserved. Do you need me to stay with you tonight?"

"Yes, please stay with me."

"Okay. I'm right here, hyung." Jimin's arms wrap around the older, loosely enough that he can get out if he needs to but tightly enough that he knows he's safe and sound in Jimin's arms. He kisses Hoseok's forehead. "I'm right here."


The next morning, Seokjin wakes up still feeling a bit apprehensive but ready to face the day. He takes a quick shower, letting the warm water cascade over his body for a few extra minutes, which relaxes him immensely. Upon turning the water off and stepping onto the fluffy white rug in front of the shower, he wraps a towel around his waist and pads quietly back to his room, not wanting to wake Yoongi up because the man is like a Venus flytrap if he's woken up: Ready to snap if anyone disturbs him.

Seokjin chooses a simple yet professional outfit: Dark navy slacks, a white-and-pink striped button-up shirt, and impeccably clean white sneakers. With his white coat thrown on over it and his raven black hair coiffed just right, he looks every bit the medical professional he is. Satisfied with his appearance, he smiles at his reflection before going to quickly brush his teeth. Then he makes his way to the kitchen to grab some of the overnight oats he'd made, put them in a container, and prepare a travel mug of his favorite tea.

Glancing at his watch, he goes through his backpack one more time to make sure he has everything he needs in it: Namjoon's chart, the notebook full of notes he'd taken, extra writing utensils (he'd learned early on that doctors and nurses always take the darn things but never give them back), his wallet, tablet, and his phone and phone charger. He then grabs his lunch and his keys, carrying everything with a practiced ease out to his car and putting everything in before he himself climbs in and starts the car so he can make his way to the mental hospital.

"Dr. Kim! I'm so glad you came back." Dr. Zhang Yixing smiles warmly as he bows to Seokjin and walks with him to the male locker room. "After what happened yesterday, a lot of us were afraid you would quit."

"Thank you, Dr. Zhang. I don't give up that easily." He chuckles good-naturedly as he puts his things in his locker and sits down to eat his breakfast. "Would you like to join me?" he asks.

"Ah, sure! I didn't bring anything to eat, but I'll sit with you." Yixing sits in the chair across from Seokjin.

"Then it's a good thing I brought extra." He gets up and grabs two plastic spoons and a styrofoam bowl from the cuboard above the counter in the corner and returns to his seat. "Please, help yourself!"

"That's so generous of you. Thank you." Yixing takes a hearty portion for himself while still leaving plenty for Seokjin, and the two men settle into an easy conversation about life in general, avoiding the topic of what had happened yesterday.

When they finish, Seokjin closes his container and puts it in his locker. "Thank you for joining me. I'd better go find Dr. Lee." He grabs Namjoon's chart, a few pens (which he slips into his pants pocket), and his phone before leaving the room. He then makes a beeline for Dr. Lee's office and knocks on the door, waiting for him to say 'come in' before he enters. "Good morning, Dr. Lee."

"Oh, good morning! How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, thank you. I just wanted to let you know that I will take on Namjoon as my patient. It will be rough, but after yesterday, I think I'm ready for whatever he can throw my way."

"Alright, but if you change your mind, let me know immediately."

"I will, Dr. Lee." The two men exchange a bow and a handshake before Seokjin leaves his office, taking a deep, cleansing breath as he walks straight to Namjoon's room.

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