Chapter Twelve.

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The next day, Seokjin and Dr. Lee are talking on the phone while Seokjin is driving to work. Seokjin explains to him his feelings and the fact that he would like to see only Namjoon and Jungkook, and on the flip side, he doesn't want either of those patients to be seen by other doctors.

"I appreciate your honesty, Seokjin. But are you sure you only want two patients?"

"Yes, sunbae-nim, I'm quite sure. I've given this a lot of thought. Let me get used to a routine and then add more patients and responsibilities as I acclimate to working there."

"I can agree to that. We can't have you going home early every day." Seokjin chuckles sheepishly.

"I'm sorry about that."

"Don't be. I know your background. That's why I didn't let you meet Park Jimin."

Seokjin wasn't expecting that. This was the second time he'd heard that man's name in the last couple of days. "Is there something I need to know about him?"

"I don't think you're ready to hear about it now, but I will tell you when I think you can handle it."

Seokjin pulls into his parking spot before taking his phone off of the Bluetooth setting and holding it up to his ear as he gathers his things. "I would appreciate that."

"Of course. In any case, you won't have to worry about him for now. There was an incident last night, and he's going to be in solitary confinement for a while."

"I see." Seokjin knows better than to ask. "I'm heading into the hospital now, so I will see you shortly."

"Alright, Seokjin-ah." The call ends, and Seokjin slips his phone into his pocket. He and Yoongi had had a brief conversation that morning, and the younger's words ring in his head. 'You can do this. No matter what. You are smart, and you are capable. You're good at this.'

He repeats the words in his head like a mantra as he heads straight for the male locker room to put his things away. He's going to need the reassurance they give him, especially since he's supposed to speak with Namjoon right after he eats a quick breakfast. He'd lost time that morning talking to Yoongi, so thankfully, there are still donuts and hot coffee. Not his ideal breakfast, since he normally eats something a bit healthier, but they'll do in a pinch. After eating a chocolate donut (it was either that or strawberry, and he could not stand the taste of fake strawberry flavoring) and drinking a hearty mug of coffee, he heads to retrieve Namjoon's chart and go to his room.


"You can't keep me in here forever, you know. I need to get back to Hoseok-hyung! He needs me." Jimin snarls at the male nurse attempting to give him medications. "I don't need to be strapped to this damn in this fucking padded room like an animal!" His voice raises in volume and lowers in pitch. "Hoseok needs me. I need him. Can't you see that? Can't you fucking see it?! I don't belong in here!!"

The male nurse had been given direct orders not to speak to Jimin, but he can't resist not saying something. "Anyone who has weapons in their room like you did deserves to be wherever we put them. Don't fight it." Giving up on giving Jimin his medications orally since he's squirming and keeping his mouth closed, the nurse leaves, only to come back with a syringe and an IV kit.

"I'll fight until my dying breath. You'll see. I'll fucking show you." Jimin settles in his resolve as, having no other choice, he lets the nurse hook up the IV and administer his medications through the needle in the back of his hand. He watches with fascination as the colored liquid disappears down the tube and into his skin. The procedure is over soon though, and the nurse leaves the room without another word or a backward glance.

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