Chapter Five

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Jungkook is settled in his bed, and Jimin is sitting on the edge of it holding his hand. "How did you end up here, Jungkookie?" He rubs gentle circles into the younger's skin with his thumb, secretly pleased with himself for the way that small touch alone is making Jungkook squirm.

"Well. Forgot to take my meds, then decided I didn't wanna take them anymore. They made me feel trapped, and without them, I felt free. Then yesterday, I decided it'd be fun to run amongst the traffic in the middle of town."

"Was it fun?" Jimin asks him, his eyes alight with curiosity and something else Jungkook can't place.

"It really was! Oh my God, it was the most fun I'd had in ages. It was loud, too. People were honking and screaming, and then there was screeching and fire. The fire was pretty. I started to walk closer to it, but then a car hit me and I got a few bruised ribs and a broken leg." He rolls his eyes. "And then apparently people didn't agree with my idea of fun, so people from here were called. I didn't want to come, honestly. Had I known you were here though, I would've stopped taking my meds a lot sooner so I could see you." He smirks as he motions for the older to sit in his lap. "I missed you, Jimin."

Jimin hesitates and looks down at his hands. "I'm with Hoseok, Jungkook-ah. And won't it hurt if I sit on you?"

"I bet Hoseok can't fuck you like I can, though. I know you love it when I fuck you just right. And nah, I'm on some really fucking powerful painkillers. I don't feel much of anything. And I've missed my Jiminie. Come here. Now."

The tone of Jungkook's voice leaves no room for deliberation, and the last of Jimin's resolve melts away as he gingerly settles into Jungkook's lap, his legs on either side of the younger's thighs. Their lips immediately meet in a slow, searching kiss. God, Jungkook had forgotten how good Jimin's lips felt against his. Before things can move any further, someone clears their throat from the doorway.

"It's almost time for lights out. Jimin, let me take you back to your room." Dr. Lee helps Jimin off of the bed and keeps a firm grip around his bicep as he leads him out of the room. He doesn't see Jimin mouth 'We'll talk later' over his shoulder, nor does he see the way Jungkook smirks in return.

When they reach Jimin and Hoseok's room, Hoseok is very pleased to see his roommate. "JIMIN! I was so worried about you!!" Hoseok launches himself at the younger and wraps his arms around his waist like a vice grip as he holds on to him. "Thank you for finding him, Dr. Lee! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, Hoseok. Goodnight." Dr. Lee smiles despite himself and leaves the room, making sure to lock the door behind him.

Once they're alone, Jimin gently tries to pry the older off of him. "Hyung, I love you, but you're making it hard for me to breathe."

"Oh I'm sorry!" Hoseok immediately lets go. "I have a surprise for you, Jiminie." He smiles as he skips over to his bed and, after glancing quickly at the door to make sure no one is looking in, brandishes a pocketknife from a slit in the side of his mattress. "I found yours and saw that it was broken and old, so I stole a new one for you."

"Oh Hobi." Jimin smiles widely, his eyes disappearing into his cheeks as he throws his arms around Hoseok's neck and kisses him, murmuring "You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you." He takes the knife and eyes it gleefully for a moment before hiding it under his own mattress. "You did good, hyung. So good." He pulls the older to him for another kiss, and Hoseok is blissfully unaware of the plans that Jimin has for him.


"What are you doing?!"

"I'm having a little fun. It feels good. You should try it." Namjoon smiles sinisterly.

"You're crazy! That's disgusting!" The young woman that had walked in on him, can't be older than 17, looks horrified.

"I might be crazy, but this feels so fucking good that I don't care."

"You're sick. You need help!"

"Oh really now? Let me show you just how sick I am."


Namjoon smiles fondly at that memory. That was a fun day because he'd gotten to claim two victims at once. It had been way too long since he got to do that, and it was making him restless. He was on five different medications, but they didn't do much to quench that insatiable thirst he had coursing through his veins, through his very being, that made him ache with desire to do it again.

Since he's cuffed to his bed, and wearing a straitjacket, he barely has any range of motion at all. He's been restrained like that before though, and he knows how to maneuver so that he's sitting against the wall. He closes his eyes and loses himself in the memories of what he'd done in the past, starting with what that man had made him do on that fateful day. The crimes he'd committed after that were what really got him off, though. As he sits there reminiscing, he feels blood slowly flowing to his dick, making it harden.

"Fuck, not now," he growls. He tries to wriggle his arms free, but to no avail. They really fastened the stupid thing tightly this time. He needs to get off, though. You see, when Namjoon gets as turned on as he is in this moment, he gets aggressive and desperate. It's part of what got him in here in the first place. The doctors know this, so he uses it to his advantage. "Someone, help!" He yells at the top of his lungs. "Please!"

Moments later, Dr. Park Yoona comes in, looking concerned. "What's wrong, Namjoon?"

"I'm horny as fuck and I need to jack off." Namjoon never minces words, even with females.

"Is this a trick?" she asks. Namjoon scoffs at her and scoots so his loose pants are pulled tighter around his clothed erection so she can see it. "Ah. Don't touch me, or I will sedate you." He nods as she walks closer to the bed and helps him turn so that she can unfasten his straitjacket. The second it's off, she grabs it and rushes out of his reach. "I'll be back in an hour to put this back on. I'll... leave you to it." She leaves the room and locks the door behind her.

Namjoon lies on his back and pulls his pants and underwear down, gasping at the rush of cold air over his sensitive cock. It reminds him of the frigid temperature it was the winter he claimed his first victim by himself. The first one was the best one, and none had compared to her since then. The memory of the feeling it had given him, the rush of adrenaline and endorphins coursing through his veins, the look in her eyes, the sounds of her pleas and screams. It all replays vividly in his mind, and his orgasm hits him within minutes of starting to stroke his dick. He's still hard, so he replays the images again, and again, and again, until he cums twice more. Then he's totally spent, and he barely has it in him to lick his own cum from his hand and fix his pants before he rolls onto his side and falls asleep.

Dr. Park comes back in and, since Namjoon is sleeping soundly, she doesn't wake him up to put the straitjacket back on. It can wait until he's awake. If only she'd known what he was dreaming about, though, she wouldn't consider even being in the same building as him.

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