Chapter Ten

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Taehyung is nervously pacing back and forth, wringing his hands and rehearsing over and over what he's going to say to Seokjin when he sees him. But all of his carefully chosen words leave his mind when the doctor comes walking back down the hallway after escorting Jungkook to the cafeteria.

So, when he steps closer to the older male, all he can manage is a lame "Hi."

"Hello." Seokjin smiles and nods distractedly as he continues on his way.

"Dr. Kim, I'm sorry, but do you have a minute?" Seokjin stops and looks at Taehyung expectantly. "I'm Kim Taehyung. I don't know if you remember me, but I'm a therapist. I'm the one that worked with..."

Seokjin loses track of everything Taehyung says after his name. Of course he remembers him. He could never forget the name of the man whose efforts couldn't stop his brother from killing himself. As he stands there and Taehyung keeps speaking nervously, everything comes rushing back to Seokjin. His brother's slow spiral into insanity, the way his Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder twisted into something much darker than any of his family or friends could have imagined, the way that his brother dying affected him.

That was something he could never forget.

Seokjin couldn't forget any of it. It's not that he blames Taehyung. He knows the man did everything he could to stop his brother from doing what he did. But there are many things that are a trigger for Seokjin, and the mention of his name is one of them.

That's why, when he's standing there, and Taehyung's words are falling on deaf ears, his thoughts instantly start clouding up. His vision goes blurry, his chest constricts, and the papers he was holding go fluttering to the ground as he places his hands on either side of his head and collapses to his knees, the pain it sends shooting through his body a bare blip on his radar as the tumult of thoughts and emotions running through his foggy mind threaten to send him reeling into a panic attack.

Taehyung sees Seokjin's sudden change in demeanor and posture and stops his string of words that are starting to make no sense even to his own ears. "Dr. Kim?" The doctor doesn't answer; instead, his hands fall from the sides of his head and go to wrap around himself. His breaths start coming in short, shallow pants, and he pitches forward, bowing his head as he curls into a ball. "H-help, someone help!" Taehyung yells out into the otherwise empty hallway. "Please help!"

A young male nurse comes running from the direction of the supply closet. "What--"

Taehyung doesn't let him finish. "Go find Dr. Lee. Now! Please don't dilly-dally!" The man, looking struck by Taehyung's urgency, goes running back down the hall, his echoing footsteps soon fading into silence. Taehyung slowly, cautiously sinks to his knees in front of Seokjin, far enough away to not trigger him worse but close enough to catch him should he fall. "Dr. Kim, breathe, please."

"Can't--" Seokjin's voice is choked as he shakes his head from side to side.

"What's going on?" Dr. Lee rushes down the hall, his eyes wide as he surveys the scene. "Seokjin? Mr. Kim? What happened?"

"Ah, I told him who I was and it sent him into a panic attack." Taehyung stands up, still keeping a close eye on Seokjin.

"Okay. Seokjin, you have to breathe." Dr. Lee places a hand on Seokjin's shoulder, only to have it pushed off.

"I fucking CAN'T!" Seokjin screams hoarsely. He shakily rises to his feet and bolts down the hallway, his uneven footsteps and ragged breathing following him until they, too, fade into silence.

"I don't know if it's right for him to be working here." Dr. Lee confides in Taehyung. "This is the second time this week that he's left in tears."

"I feel like that's my fault." Taehyung rakes a hand through his messy silver hair. "If I had known that seeing me would affect him this way, I would have kept my distance."

"You didn't know, Taehyung-ah."

The two stand in silence for a moment before Taehyung speaks. "I'm going to go home. I'll be here at the same time tomorrow, if you'll still have me."

"Of course we will. I'll see you then." The two men exchange a nod before Taehyung leaves.


Namjoon's gears are turning. He, Jimin, and Hoseok are considered among the more dangerous residents, along with a few others in that wing, so they go to lunch after the other patients do. That means that Namjoon heard and saw the entire scene with Seokjin and Taehyung. He doesn't know what to make of it. He initially only feels anger towards the doctor who had gotten him to spill his guts about what had happened to him, but at the same time, he feels a connection to him. Just like Namjoon, the doctor had obviously been through something. The patient makes it his mission to find out, if for no other reason than to have something to do in this hellhole.

Just when he's come to this decision, Dr. Park comes in. "It's time for you and the others to go to lunch." She tries to smile, but she's clearly worried about Seokjin. Namjoon rolls his eyes, because any idiot with eyes could see that the doctor is gay. The woman doesn't stand a chance. But Namjoon doesn't give a fuck. He thinks it'd be rather funny to see her get rejected. He can't help but smirk at the thought, and Dr. Park is clearly too distracted to ask him why.

When she's not looking, he catches a glimpse at her ass and rolls his eyes. 'I could fuck him better.'


Where did THAT thought come from? Namjoon isn't gay.

Or maybe he is. Who the hell knows?


That evening after the movie has started, Jimin finds it a bit too easy to sneak to the back of the room to meet Jungkook, who is sitting in a chair with his cock out and is stroking it quickly. The younger gazes up at Jimin with lust-filled eyes and motions him over with his free hand. The older wastes no time in walking up to the other. He starts to sink to his knees when Jungkook stops him. "Spit on my cock and then get that ass on me," he whispers. Jimin nods and gathers saliva in his mouth, taking pleasure in the way it falls from his parted lips to land on Jungkook's cock.

He turns to face away from him and pulls his pants down just enough to expose his ass before gripping the base of the younger's cock and maneuvering until he can feel it slide into his ass while he sits in Jungkook's lap, biting down harshly on his lip to stifle the moan that wants to burst forth. When he's fully sitting on the younger's lap, they each roll their hips until they find a rhythm that works without either of them having to move too much and risk getting caught.

Jungkook's fingers dig into Jimin's hips bruisingly tight as he whispers dirty words and past memories into his ear, smirking as he bites down hard enough on his lip to draw blood. The older licks the scarlet drops off of his skin and rolls his head to the side, a barely audible whine tumbling from his closed lips before his body tenses up and he finds his release, cumming all over the inside of his boxers. Jungkook spills his cum inside Jimin's ass seconds later, and the two stay like that for the rest of the movie.

Jimin keeps sucking and licking the blood from his lip, even biting harder to draw more blood, but Jungkook is too distracted to notice. Jimin being in his lap again after so long feels too good. It feels so good, in fact, that he fucks the older until he has another orgasm before the movie is over, leaving Jimin hard and wanting more. But Jungkook is done for the night, and so Jimin has to jack himself off in his room, because, for some reason, Hoseok isn't in their room.

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