Chapter Seven

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Jimin and Hoseok are sitting in the cafeteria and eating breakfast, watching Chanyeol mostly play with his food, and Jimin can't take his mind off of Jungkook. The things he'd said about fucking him like no one else had gotten to him, and try as he might to push the memories away, they keep coming back more vividly than before. He feels guilt because he loves Hoseok so much, though, but damn, he really misses the way Jungkook fucks him.

In that moment, like some cruel twist of fate, Jimin feels a pair of eyes burning into the back of his skull and turns his head to see Jungkook smirking at him. Quickly he turns to look at Hoseok. "Um, hyung, can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure Jimin-ah, what's up?" Hoseok turns his body to look at the younger.

"Aish, I don't know how to say this. Remember Jungkook, the new guy?" He continues after Hoseok nods. "He and I have a history, and we used to be boyfriends—"

"And you want to fuck him." Hoseok finishes.

"Err, well, the other way around actually, but yes." Jimin's face and ears turn red. "I know you and I are together, but it's just--"

"Jimin," Hoseok interrupts, "it's totally fine. Do what you need to do. Hell, we're in a mental hospital. We might as well have as much fun as we can. Now go. I can practically feel him eye fucking you from where he's sitting."

"Thank you, hyung." Jimin no longer feels guilty for wanting to give in to his desires as he kisses the older's cheek, gets up to throw his trash away, and shyly walks up to Jungkook. "Hi."

"Hey, you." Jungkook pats the seat next to him. "Have a seat. Let's talk." He has an all-knowing grin on his face as Jimin sits down. "Name the time and place."

Jimin wants with everything in him to say 'right here, right now' but he'd done that before and been unable to see Hoseok for three weeks. He didn't want to go through that again. So, after thinking for a moment, he murmurs "Tonight during the movie. There's a blind spot in the room where the guards' security cameras don't reach."

"How do you know that?" asks Jungkook with a raised eyebrow.

"I have my ways." Jimin won't give up his secrets that easily, which Jungkook knows all too well.

"Fair enough." He grabs the collar of the older's shirt to pull him closer, and he murmurs "I can't wait to fuck you tonight. I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk tomorrow. Don't underestimate me because I'm in a wheelchair. You KNOW how I can fuck you." He chuckles lowly as he lets Jimin's shirt go and backs his wheelchair up to exit the room, leaving Jimin flustered and sporting a painful erection.


Taehyung gathers his resolve as he parks his car and walks in to the mental hospital. He has a bad feeling about Jimin, and he needs to let someone know immediately. That's why he's there about an hour earlier than he should be. "Excuse me, where is Dr. Lee?" he asks politely at the front desk.

"He should be either in his office or the break room." The receptionist smiles kindly.

"Thank you." Taehyung bows quickly and heads in the direction of Dr. Lee's office, where the older doctor is just coming out of it.

"Oh, good morning Mr. Kim. I wasn't expecting to see you for another hour."

"Good morning. Yes, I'm early, but I have good reason. Can we talk privately?"

"Of course." He opens the door to his office again and leads Taehyung inside, shutting the door before sitting at his desk and motioning for Taehyung to sit in the chair across from him. "Is everything okay?"

"I hope so, but I don't think it is." Taehyung pulls out his notes from yesterday and an older notebook. "One of the patients here, Park Jimin. What got him here in the first place? As in, what did he do?"

"Ah, well," Dr. Lee says as he presses a few keys on his computer and clicks the mouse a couple of times, "let me see." He pauses for a moment and then finds what he's looking for. "His mother was worried he wasn't eating, and her worries were confirmed when she found weeks' worth of old food hidden in his room. She also found multiple scars on his body where he'd cut himself. He also had radical mood swings and would act, in her words, 'like he wanted to kill me'. He'd say and do things that indicated suicidal and homicidal tendencies, and rather than get him help from a therapist, she had him sent here." He looks up from his computer. "Why do you ask?"

"It's just that he reminds me of a patient I had when I was a therapist in Daegu. He had the same issues as Jimin, and he ended up acting on them. He didn't show up for the sessions he'd been faithfully showing up to for three months, and when I asked around, I found out that he'd convinced his girlfriend to kill herself, and then he killed himself, so they could be together forever."

"Wait, are you saying that Jimin could do the same thing? But there aren't any women in this part of the hospital, so he can't."

"It doesn't necessarily have to be a woman. I saw the way he was looking at Hoseok when I was here yesterday. I think they're in love. Hoseok is easily swayed, and I strongly feel as though Jimin might do the same thing my old patient did."

Dr. Lee rubs his chin thoughtfully for a moment, looking at Taehyung and studying the earnest expression on his face. "You might be right. I'll conduct a search of their bedroom to see if there are any stolen weapons in there, and I'll keep a close eye on them. They may be mental patients, but they're people, too. I don't want to lose anyone. Thank you for your insight and observations."

"You're welcome, and I'm glad you're taking this seriously."

"Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"

"No, doctor. I'm going to go grab some breakfast and then come back for my session with that group of patients." He stands and pauses on his way to the door. "Oh, there was one more thing. That doctor that Namjoon choked yesterday. Is he back?"

"Yes, he came back this morning and told me that he's going to take Namjoon on as his patient and is determined to get through to him."

Taehyung nods slowly. "I wish him luck."

"I do too, Mr. Kim. I do too."

The two men exchange a bow, and Taehyung leaves Dr. Lee's office, only to hear a loud yell and then a scared-looking doctor leaving the room of one of the patients. He looks so familiar. Taehyung is sure he's seen him before, but he doesn't want to bother him, since he looks close to tears.

It's only when he gets back to his car and is driving to a nearby coffeeshop/bakery when he realizes it. He does recognize him. He knows exactly who it is, and the realization hits him with a force that nearly knocks the wind out of him.

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