coffee shop

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The scent of brewed coffee and chatter gives such a calming aura around the cozy place yet it wasn't calming down a certain young man in an isolated small table in the corner.

Frustrated, the brunette hit the space key over and over anger building up inside him the longer his laptop won't respond.

Finally fed up when the laptop shut down, the male pushed the small table hitting a redheaded male making yelp at the sudden contact.

As if it's in slow motion, the hot beverage slipped out of slender fingers falling directly on the laptop's keyboard, a buzzing sound errupted shortly afterwards.

For a moment Jungkook forgot all about his burned laptop as he looked up, his orbs fixated on a beautiful person, no an angel.

Red locks glistening under the dimmed shop lights, hooded piercing brown eyes followed by a cute mole dotted nose, soft plump lips that Jungkook may have stared at for too long dazed by the outstanding beauty that's standing horrified as if he murdered someone.

Snapping from his daze Jungkook looked down at his ruined piece of plastic and wires, sighing loudly unintentionally making the tanned boy feel even more bad.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, oh my god what have I done?! I'm a walking disaster! I'm sorry I'll get it fixed, I'll buy another one if you need" the angel spoke, panic evident in his tone as he pulled at his hair.

"No, no need, it's okay" Jungkook tried to smile despite his carreer flushing down the toilet, you see we wouldn't call Jungkook rich he barely kept himself alive, so the idea of buying a new laptop to survive his last 2 years made him mentally prepare to pack his stuff and return home.

A shorter blonde male tapped the angel's shoulder signing him to go.

"I'm sorry I'm in a rush but this is my number when you need repair" The angel quickly grabbed a napkin that was on Jungkook's table taking a pen out of his bag and getting out of the shop just as quick.

With pale fingers, the brunette picked up the napkin reading the neat handwriting.

Kim Taehyung.

(He wrote the number underneath it but I didn't know how to show it if I wrote stars like this *** it wouldnt be as a r t i s t i c so let's just pretend there's a number holy shit why am I talking so much)

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