ice cream

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Long chapter ahead to make up for my lack of updates

Kim Taehyung: heyy Jungkook-ssi 😘 I was wondering if we can go to the mall this afternoon,🔥💸💸💰💳 Jimin decided to be a lame broccoli and ditch me for his math exam😱😡😡 and I have no one to go with  pls pls pls I'll buy you ice cream 🍦

Jungkook chuckled at his friend's extra way of texting  reasoning the excitment building within him that he needs a few different clothes than his simple ones and not because this is like a date with Taehyung. Totally not.

Cutie 🍭 : sure what time?

Kim Taehyung: hmm maybe 3? 🕒🕒 meet me up there 🌵

Cutie 🍭: k see you soon

Kim taehyung: 🐙🐙🐙🐙

Jungkook couldn't wipe the grin stretching on his thin lips not believing he was actually going to spend some quality time with Taehyung alone.

He skipped to his next class humming a random song causing a few people to stare at his unusual behavior, some chuckling guessing it's related to a girl.

The hours seem to pass slowly in Jungkook's point of view as he kept checking his phone every 5 minutes wondering if it's the afternoon yet, a bored expression plastering on his handsome features while he typed away what his professor who is probably dead inside explained.

Once the clock turned 2, the brunette rushed to his dorm taking a shower immediately and pulling out his  clothed items displaying them infront of him, he felt like a teenage girl almost yelling out "I have nothing to wear"

After 1 hour of groaning, frustration, self-beating and even screaming he decided on a fitted black button shirt, skinny black jeans that outlined his leg muscles and black timberlands to add a taste of his personality to his look.

After checking the ticking clock, he texted Taehyung that's he'll be there in 15 minutes maximum

Which ended up being a half an hour with Jungkook almost yelling his lungs out after missing his stop the reason being distracted by a ladybug on the bus' window.

"Late again I see" is what Taehyung said when a huffing red faced jungkook stood infront of him.

not missing the chance of the brunette being distracted with going back to life after burning his lungs to check him out, gliding his strong gaze up Jungkook's defined muscles and exposed chest.

"Are we going to do some shopping or are you gonna continue eye raping me?"

Taehyung looked up quickly to the brunette's face noticing the cocky smirk stretching his berry lips and raised eyebrow feeling shocked, embarassed, and slightly turned on.
as he kept fanning himself, cheeks warming up to the shade of crimson.

Jungkook was himself surprised at the boost of confidence he suddenly got but feeling happy at the same time for saying a full statement without stuttering.

"Y-yeah let's go"a stuttering Taehyung lifted himself up grasping the wrist of his muscled friend not realizing his action while the said muscled friend returned to his old blushing awkward self.

The couple roamed around the large space staying longer at Gucci because of a certain gucci lover, picking multiple items and trying them on while Taehyung kept choosing weird ones to make Jungkook laugh.

The store keeper which was a pretty girl in her late teen years noticed this hiding a smile.

"You look cute together" she mumbled, pink dusting her pale cheeks as she busied herself with the picked items.

"Oh W-we're not... We're not together.." Jungkook mumbled being able to speak through his obvious embarrassment, deep crimson coloring his cheeks while Taehyung kept silent with his head low hiding his blush and a small smile covered by a lip bite.

"Oh? Well you should be" she mumbled again handing them the items while they awkwardly thanked her.

The awkward atmosphere didn't budge as the two males walked not saying a word after what the store keeper said.

It was soon cut off when Taehyung yelled out of the blue "ICECREAM!" Surprising the younger male who soon smiled at his hyung's cute behavior.

"let's go Jungkookie!" He yelled again grabbing the younger's smaller hand and leading him to a small icecream shop in the center of the large mall.

the small action not running unnoticed by the brunette as heat crawled on his muscle-tucked cheeks for the millionth time that day.

"One vanilla icecream cone please" Taehyung smiled, a joyful boxy smile that never fails to melt Jungkook's heart, "what are you ordering kook?"

cute. the brunette thought smiling at the new nickname.

"oh um I'll just get chocolate."

the two males walked together both enjoying their icecream which Jungkook insisted on paying for because 'a gentleman always pays' earning an eye roll from the other.

The brunette turned his head to his compagnant to start another conversation but he soon stopped as he noticed icecream on Taehyung's cheek.

"um Taehyung you have icecream on your cheek"

"oh? here?" the redhead replied wiping his non-smuged cheek.

"nope, here let me" the blushing brunette leaned towards Taehyung wiping the chunk of icecream.

"so cliche jungkook" the older rolled his eyes, a visible dark blush dusting his cheeks.

"hey! atleast it worked." Jungkook playfully winked pointing at Taehyung's cheeks causing the latter to blush even further if possible

I was looking at pictures of "icecream anime" and

---I was looking at pictures of "icecream anime" and

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Well... Atleast boku no pico didn't pop up.

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