cotton candy kiss

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"Guk, this one! this one! oh wait no that one!" Taehyung excitingly dragged a tired jungkook around the park, one hand holding a big lump of pink cotton candy and another one holding Jungkook's wrist.

The sun has fully set and the sky was a navy blue, few stars glowing here and there while the moon was no where to be seen.

The couple have split up from the others after they became third and fourth wheels from the constant flirting of the two so they grabbed the first chance to run away .

Ride after ride the two males slowly grew tired especially afte the rollercoaster in which taehyung almost vomited, soon after Taehyung received a text from his brother saying they're leaving soon.

"Oh no" pouted Taehyung
"Why? What's wrong?" Asked Jungkook concern evident on his face.

"We're leaving" taehyung's frown deepened as he stuffed a piece of cotton candy in his mouth.

"It's okay we can go on the ferris wheel for the last ride" said jungkook pointing at the big ferris wheel infront of them
Taehyung beamed again to jungkook's relief dragging once again to the ferris wheel.
Once they got up Taehyung stuck himself to the window gasping at the view of the lightened city of seoul.

Taehyung felt genuinely happy, he was on a date with jungkook on top of a ferris.

It was cliché, and Taehyung loved cliché.

A thought was stuck on his pretty mind as he stared dazingly at the beautiful city lights.

What if he confessed to jungkook? He thought right now seems like the perfect moment

But an angry voice spoke in his mind cutting his thoughts
Are you out of your mind?! The angry voice said you're not ready, not now, not ever!

The angry voixe seemed to be right, taehyung really wasn't ready.

Yet he did the complete opposite.

"Uh jungkook" taehyung said grabbing the attention of the younger who was busy stuffing his face with cotton candy.


"I want to uh tell you something" the redhead played with the end of his scarf.

he seemed to lose control over his tongue, over his body, over himself.

He rose up to his feet heading to where jungkook was sitting, boldly sitting on his lap with his legs on each side.

Taehyung what the fuck are you doing? He mentally cursed himself.

Jungkook stood still, a curious look in his eyes.

Taehyung shakily fisted on the wool sweater jungkook was wearing, a nervous almost unsure look on his face.

Jungkook slowly placed the candy he was holding beside him using that hand to slowly wrap it around the redhead's waist and using the other to gently tuck the scarf under his chin before grabbing it.

Finally smashing their lips together, jungkook was sent through euphoria, the number of times he imagined this moment never felt like the real thing, like his real soft lips against his chapped one , like his real hands that moved from his sweater to be tangled in his hair.

Taehyung being a beginner that had his first and last kiss in middle school let jungkook lead him while he copied his motions savoring every bit of it in the process.

The kiss was soft yet passionate tasting of pure sweet cotton candy making the both eager to taste more of this heaven.

the two poured all of their feelings in the moulding of their lips, Taehyung liked the taste of it, he liked like the taste of jungkook.

They broke their little moment when the ride stopped causing the once secured door to open, fixing their clothes and hair not even daring to make eye contact, the heaviest awkward atmosphere choking them.

"Taehyung I'm sorry I-"
he was scared to hear the words of rejection so Taehyung ran, ran as fast as he could from the brunette leaving the latter in complete guilt.

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