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Jungkook fixed his collar for the 9th time lost in thought, receiving a text from taehyung was ... Surprising since the boy avoided him for two weeks straight even ignoring his never ending texts but jungkook wasn't going to let this chance slip through his fingers to actually talk things through.

The brunette smiled nervously remembering his thoughts through these past weeks.

these past weeks of torture.

he remembered the way he forced himself to sit down, literally, and think through his feelings, to be 101% sure of his decision, because to Jungkook he couldn't afford to break Taehyung's heart if he found out later on that he does not actually have feelings for the redhead even though it's quite obvious, jungkook was a careful man.

He slipped his bony fingers through his soft locks checking his appearance for one last time before heading for the door.

Surprised was a weak word for the emotion Jungkook was feeling right now it was more of shock seeing the one and only his roomate yoongi fully dressed and heading out, the younger practically froze when the older said "let's go"

He questioned his friend's strange behavior since the older almost never goes out except for courses but the older replied with a simple "i felt like it"

They arrived at the designed house  that was shaking with the booming pop music making both yoongi and his roommate cringe pressing their palms against their ears in attempt to avoid going deaf.

Jungkook wondered how could a college student afford this type of building but brushed it off because that was not important right now.

Entering the house the music was even louder with multi colored neon lights flashing on the plain walls, groups of people here and there holding red cups of colored liquids while some were making out on the worn out couch, the dance floor which was really just the living room was overflowing with people drunkly swaying to the beat not quite matching it, the whole party creating a thick atmosphere of sweat and alcohol.
Although slightly disgusted the brunette was completely amazed since this was practically his first college party since he had no friends to invite him other than his anti social friend.

Looking around Jungkook immediately spotted a mop of red locks heading in its direction with a fast pace abandoning his mint haired friend until he spotted yet another mop of orange hair.
Taehyung was giggling looking tipsy while hoseok swang his arm casually around the other's shoulder occasionally taking a sip of his drink.
The scene annoying jungkook just a tiny bit.

It's quite immature to get mad at a friendly gesture plus hoseok is close to taehyung it's normal to do this kind of thing he reasoned with himself yet a hint of jealousy still lingered in his heart.

Once he reached the couple the redhead stared at him for a few seconds before stretching a big boxy smile that sent warmth in jungkook's heart, that warmth that he oh so missed.

He was obviously drunk well not that drunk but tipsy, jungkook could tell from his random giggles and hyper actions

Not so different from sober taehyung afterall.

"Hi jungkookie!" He was surprised, slightly happy that taehyung was not ignoring him yet he  blamed his actions on the alcohol.

"Hey taehyung" jungkook smiled glancing at the hand around his love interest's shoulder.

"Hi jungkook" another voice spoke out catching the called person's attention, it was hoseok.

"Hey..." Jungkook replied forcing a small smile.

Althought hoseok seems like a nice guy Jungkook did not trust him one bit, call it a gut feeling or whatever but he does not like this guy whatsoever.

They chatted for a while well mainly hoseok and taehyung while jungkook occasionally sipped from the drink he stole from taehyung not wanting the older to drink more than he already did.

it was all good until the orange haired asked taehyung to dance.

Part of jungkook was again reasoning yeah friends dance with eachother so what nothing to get mad about but part of jungkook was grumbling in anger, call him possessive or whatever but jungkook did not like sharing what's his.

But he's not yours a small voice spoke in his mind ruining his entire mood.

The brunette watched with a strong gaze the couple as Taehyung was childishly spinning and pumping his fists making jungkook crack a small smile while the other was trying to calm taehyung with a slow dance, the ginger whispered something in the other's ear making the latter nod and smile before the ginger did the last thing jungkook expected him to do driving him in complete fury.

He kissed taehyung.

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