phone call

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"Yoongi-hyung" Jungkook whined at a pale boy with a blank expression, his bony fingers moving swiftly over the laptop's keyboard.

"What? I just told you to grow some balls and call that boy" the turquoise-haired boy rolled his eyes at his younger friend's behavior.

"But don't you think it's too early?" Jungkook muttered under his breath joining his fingers over his broad chest.

"It's been a week" Yoongi gave Jungkook a pointed look making the latter sigh in surrender.

"Okay okay" the brunette sighed lifting his heavy body of the bedsheets walking to his own bed on the other side of the large sized room.

Jungkook waited 'til Yoongi fell asleep fear of him teasing the younger 'til the rest of his life.

Jungkook imagined him and taehyung married and his hyung teasing him for this moment.

The brunette quickly shook his head. What the hell am I thinking, I just met this guy!

He picked up his phone, his fingers hesitantly hovering over the name 'Kim Taehyung' before clicking.

The phone rang once, twice, thrice.

When Jungkook was about to hang up a deep voice spoke out.

"Stop it jimin, hello?"

"Uhm H-hello is this T-taehyung?" Jungkook answered with a shaky voice mentally slapping himself for stuttering.

"Yeah, who's this?"

"Jungkook" there was a moment of silence that made jungkook realize that the boy may have not recognized him "the boy from the coffe shop?"

"Ahh Jungkook, sorry I didn't catch your name that day, Jiminnie for god's sake he's not my boyfriend" that single word made the brunette blush like a highschool girl, the thought of being boyfriends with Taehyung sounds really nice.

"Jungkook-ssi how about we meet up to talk more comfortably, hm?" The cherry-headed spoke in an obvious annoyed tone and Jungkook could make up why.

"O-okay, where do you want to meet?"

"My friend owns this really nice café how about we meet there? i'll send you the adress"

"Sure, I'll meet you there" Jungkook felt proud saying a full sentence without stuttering.

"Okay, bye Jungkook-ah"

That night Jungkook didn't sleep at all, the thought of meeting the other male was overwhelming him.

The foreign feeling of fast heartbeats and crimson cheeks every time he thinks about a certain redhead confusing him to high point.

He rolled once again in his bedsheets before eventually giving up on sleep still thinking about that redhead

I'm sorry this was kinda boring

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