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Short chapter ahead.

The usually energized brunette was in a fool mode barely having the energy to lift his feet off the ground to walk.

After their 'date' he spent the night thinking away about a certain redhead completely forgetting a 5 page essay he procrastinated on for two weeks which was due the following day.

He even slept after Yoongi who was usually up until 5 a.m.

His half-lidded eyes lazily scanned the hallway almost immediately spotting bouncing scarlet locks.

His tiredness wore off instantly and a new energy took over the pale male as if he slept 8 hours straight.

Yet his eyes spotted another unfamiliar figure hugging the redhead, if someone saw them, he would say they were a couple.

As if his mood in a rollercoaster, a frown was once again visible stretching on his cheery lip as he headed towards the two male seperating them.

"Oh Jungkook" Taehyung was the first one to speak up, beaming at the brunette standing infront of him with an intimidating gaze.

The former finally realising what he did took a step back and rubbed the nape of his neck in embarassment cursing his own self.

"You look tired, haven't slept well?"
"Kind of, but I'm fine, don't worry"

"Oh right, this is hoseok" at the mention of his name, the ginger waved enthuistically flashing a bright smile.

"Hi hoseok" a small smile was drawn on Jungkook's lips, giving a small wave that was enough socialising for him today.

"Hey, it's nice to finally meet you, this fella wouldn't shut up about y-" slender fingers covered the cheery boy's lips cutting his sentence.

It took all of Jungkook's might not to kiss Taehyung right there and then because when he thought the older couldn't be anymore cute, he proved him wrong.

"Haha this has been fun but we really need to go, right hoseok?" The latter shook his head 'no' but nothernless was pulled away by Taehyung, the tanned boy not forgetting to wave at Jungkook with flushed cheeks while the mentioned boy chewed on his lower lip.

Sure this hoseok guy seems nice and all but Jungkook couldn't shake this bad feeling building within him.

I'm probably just thinking too much is what he thought

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