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"Fuck fuck fuck what was I thinking back then? Chim" grunted Taehyung into jimin's pillow flapping his thin arms on the hard matress.

"Well atleast you made a move" shrugged jimin not looking up from his video game "all you gotta do is wait for him to either accept your feelings or..." He trailed as taehyung's face fell as he knew what the other meant.

It's a been a week since his 'date' with jungkook and taehyung was avoiding the brunette like the plague, everytime he spots him in the hallways or the campus he pretends not to see him and each time jungkook approaches him he makes up an excuse to run away.

He feels guilty to play jungkook like this yet he's not quite ready to be rejected, the thought of not being with jungkook, not even as friends breaks his heart so he does what he does with all of his problems.

Run away.

"Tae you're my best friend and all but you're honestly acting like a coward right now, just talk to him"
His friend's harsh words upset Taehyung but he knew it was true, he was acting like a coward.

"By the way hobi is planning a party this weekend didn't he tell you?" Jimin said groaning when the gray picture of "you're dead" flashed on the screen.

" yeah, I think I'll go, gotta take things off my mind" hummed taehyung in acceptance grabbing a controller to play with his best friend.

"Invite lover boy over, take it as a chance to talk to him"

Taehyung thought about it for a second then slowly nodded.

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