treat him well

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it was the afternoon of a sunday, the sun was getting ready to set beaming a soft orange through the few fluffy clouds scattered here and there.

it was Taehyung's favorite time besides the dark silent night sprinkled with glowing stars.

humming a random tune he fixed his oversized knitted scarf infront of the mirror, the beige scarf covering half of his face.

it was nearing december and the weather was getting colder.

he thought back the day he met jungkook back in September when he was obsessed with pumpkin spice latté like the teen girl he is.

remembering the silent boy sitting in the small wooden table alone typing  away at his laptop.

the sight may seemed average to others but to taehyung it was strangely captivating, the way his eyebrows furrowed, the way his lips pouted, the way his dark eyes narrowed in slants every once in a while.

it was perfect, he was perfect.

he remembered the laptop, smiling faintly, he never thought he would be thankful for a burnt laptop.

he's still saving money for it doing part time jobs here and there sometimes at Jin's coffee shop while jungkook assured him that his roomate let him borrow his own.

his thoughts once again drifted to the brunette drawing his perfectly shaped face in his mind.

not long ago Taehyung realised he fell for the boy, he's not that obvlious, even though he's never experienced it before he watched too many romcoms to know what those butterflies fluttering in your stomach mean and that heart flip when they cross your mind and that addiction to their company and presence, he knows what love is like.

yet he's scared, scared because this is all new to him, this is all unfamiliar, the thumping of his heart, the occupience of his mind, the warmth of his chest but he secretly loves it how his heart beats for that certain someone and no one else.

he's also scared, scared because he doesnt know how Jungkook will react to these feelings of his, though the assurance of his friends he's not assured jungkook feels the same.

perhaps Jungkook cuddles, hold hands and goes on dates with others, the mere thought of it saddens the boy.

shaking off his bad thoughts he ran his hand through his hair once again before heading to the door.

Namjoon offered to drive them and Taehyung accepted dreading his decision as the couple couldn't stop flirting through the whole drive while Taehyung cringed himself into the leather chair.

When they arrived Jungkook was already there unlike his usual habit of being late dressed in a sleek long black coat and black dress shoes looking fancy as ever.

When he spotted then he waved to them, well to taehyung mainly, he recognized jin from the coffeeshop and his partner who seemed to be Taehyung's brother who he mentioned a couple times.

"Hi jungkook!"
"Hey" jungkook smiled
"Oh this is my brother Namjoon" he introduced the
he thanked god he put some effort in his outfit since Taehyung couldn't stop checking him out.

"Take a picture it lasts longer" smiled jungkook with his bunny teeth taehyung oh so adored on full display, it was one of the raret moments when jungkook felt confident and he's glad he took it

Once caught Taehyung blushed the familiar heat staining the visible part of his pale cheeks red as he stuffed his face further in the scarf so the other wouldnt notice it.
The action was too cute for Jungkook's heart as mentally clutched on it and cooed.
"Now now love birds let's go inside" namjoon spoke leading them to the entrance.

Taehyung beamed when seeing the joyous place, bright lamp posts casting its lights on small shops, the sound of excited screams and laughter, the sweet smell of the multicolored cotton candy filling up his senses, the redhead's eyes twinkled when he spotted the big no huge ferris wheel decorated with
Blinding neon lights of all colors he gasped at every ride he saw like a little child who went to an amusement park for the first time.

The sight of taehyung looked oh so beautiful to the brunette that he couldn't take his eyes off him, he wondered if Taehyung will look at him the same way some day.

Taehyung hurried to buy tickets followed by Namjoon leaving Jin behind with Jungkook.

The two stayed in silence until Jin spoke.

"Innocent isn't he?"

"Hm?" Hummed jungkook


"Yeah," smiled Jungkook faintly

"And kind of dumb" jin said making jungkook chuckle.

"treat him well" jin looked at jungkook, a small smile stretching his plump lips
Jungkook understood what thise words were directed at, but the brunette was not sure of his feelings towards taehyung yet, sure the older gives him all sorts of emotions making him feel giddy and wanting nothing else but kissing the hell out of him but jungkook was the type to test the water before jumping in so he doesn't harm anyone.

" I will" yet he nodded

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