amusment park

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"Oh c'mon Namjoon i'm gonna be a total thirdwheel with you two there" the redhead complained dramatically sulking his shoulders.
the trio were in jin's coffee shop courtesy of  namjoon calling his brother over.
"Oh c'mon Taehyung" mocked Namjoon "it's gonna be fun plus I can't waste the other two tickets" the latter looked at his partner who disapprovingly shook his head at the idiotic mistake.
"Who told you to buy the other two tickets" muttered Taehyung under his breath like a spoiled child "wait a minute you bought two tickets right?" Namjoon nodded "that means I can invite Jimin right?"
"Sure, why not?" Namjoon shrugged
The redhead pulled his phone out of his pocket dialing his best friend's number before pressing the device against his ear.
The phone rang a few times before a voice spoke through the phone.
"Jiminnie!" Taehyung yelled excitingly
"Taehyungie!" Jimin yelled as excited
" listen idiot namjoon accidentally bought 4 tickets to the amusement park, you wanna go? it's the weekend afterall it's gonna be fun!" the redhead yelled rather loudly into the phone earning a "hey!" from namjoon at the mention of 'idiot namjoon'
"aw you know I'd love to but I'm actually on my way to busan right now, I'm sorry Taehyung" said jimin in a sad tone
"busan? you didn't tell me..." trailed Taehyung confused
"yeah...I kinda forgot to" Taehyung was not convinced with the lame argument  his best friend came up with, his best friend that tells him he went to the toilet when he goes, but he brushed it off, a hint of disappointment still ligering
'he'll tell me when he wants to'
his thumb hesitentatly hovered over another contact.
"call him" Namjoon's voice suddenly spoke from beside the redhead's back making the latter jolt in surprise " take your chance"
"aren't older brothers supposed to be over protective or something" the caramel skinned  narrowed his eyes at his smiling older brother
"I don't want a virgin brother, I've got a reputation to hold" namjoon smirked his dimple showing causing  jin to stop wiping the table for a split second to scoff before resuming  muttering incoherent words under his breath
" I'm not a virgin!" taehyung yelled in a defensive manner causing namjoon to nod not taking one bit of it
'fuck it' he mentally said before clicking the green call icon, the phone rang once then twice before a sleepy voice errupted
"jungkook hi!" a subconscious smile stretched the redhead's lips mentally cooing at  the other's cute voice
"oh Taehyung!" the sleepiness washed away from jungkook as he replied sincere happiness radiating through his voice
" sorry did I wake you up? even though it's 5 p.m..." Taehyung chuckled when the other went silent imagining the cute blush on the latter's cheeks
"yeah... it's the weekend so I had nothing to do uh plus i haven't been catching much sleep these days" jungkook rambled stuttering through his sentences "but anyways what's up?"
"oh yeah I wanted to ask you if you want to go to an amusement park tomorrow"
" amusement park?"
"yeah, I've got two spare tickets, it's gonna be really fun I promise there's cotton candy, pop corn, roller coasters, a ferris wheel, games, mirror houses" Taehyung rambled on and on " it'll be like a date" he blurted
" a date?"
"uh I mean not like a date but like a friend date? unless you want it to be a date date then-" the older stumbled over his words with embarassment before being cut off
"it's a date then"
taehyung could feel jungkook's smile through the phone sending warmth, an unfamiliar feeling through his body.
"bye taehyung"
"bye guk"
"someone's got a date huh" said namjoon slinging an arm around his blushing younger brother while jin who was serving a young couple shot a thumbs up at him.
"oh shut up"


I might rewrite this story well not completely rewrite just fix some parts and go over parts that are too c r i n g e alsooo i've finished laptop which took FOREVER bc i kept changing the ending bc i couldnt write it smoothly?? Like i hate how a story goes like oh my god we met today at a coffeeshop oh my god we're going shopping out of nowhere oh my god we're sleeping together this is totally smooth and not forced (look at me throw shade at my own story lmAO K rant is over bye)

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