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Tanned legs tangled in cream colored bedsheets, slender arms wrapped tightly around a large pillow, a tanned male laid in his bed, a clear evidence of tiredness drew on his features yet no sign of sleep.

The dry sticky tears decorating the soft skin of his cheeks.

this past week was stressful enough to leave Taehyung in this state, from overdue assignments to failing important classes.

He missed his parents who he hasn't called in two weeks, oh how we wants to hear his mother's warm voice whispering words of encouragment and love and his father's firm yet kind tone as he goes on about how proud he is of his son, he really wants to, but he can't.

He knows he'll burst in tears the moments he hears their voices, and he knows he will make them worry, and he knows they've been stressing over their own problems, taehyung never missed the few white hairs appearing at the top of his mother's head that she tried desperately to hide with chemicals.

Taehyung never wanted to be dependant, especially on his fragile parents even in his absolute desperate state.

Scrolling mentally through the list of the few friends he's made over the years, jimin was one of the loyalest he's ever befriended, the blonde boy was like a soulmate to him, the ying to his yang, they were inseparable.

Yet strangely he didn't reach out to his bestfriend but instead wandered off to the thought of his brunette friend, the one he can't stop thinking about and every thought nearly drives him insane.

His sexuality was never an interest for him due to never feeling sexually attracted to anyone, not even to the girls of his highschool who tried oh so many times to seduce him, yet he felt nothing.

So how does this average male make his heart thump out of his chest, his mind busy with the thought of him, and his body yearning for his touch.

They haven't talked properly ever since he introduced him to Hoseok, just waves of hands and smiles when they pass eachother in classes and hallways.

He grabs his phone and heads to the messages app, his finger hesitantly clicking over Jungkook's name.

Kim Taehyung ❤: heyy
Kim Taehyung ❤: I miss you|
Kim Taehyung ❤: I miss y|
Kim Taehyung ❤: I mis|
Kim Taehyung ❤: I m|
Kim Taehyung ❤: |

He turns off his phone waiting for it to ring, he waits 5 minutes which turns to 15 minutes and eventually an hour.

Sniffing, he runs his thumb over the off button before a small sound errupts from the device.

Cutie 🍭: hey
Cutie 🍭: sorry my friend forced me to turn off my phone so we can watch a movie.
Cutie 🍭: so what's up?
Kim Taehyung ❤: no it's nothing I just wanted to talk
Cutie 🍭: something wrong? U sound upset 😞
Kim Taehyung ❤: no it's nothing, this week's been frustrating, that's all
Cutie 🍭: what's your dorm room number again?
Kim Taehyung ❤: 325 y?

Taehyung frowned a crease forming between his bold eyebrows.
Why does he need my door room number...
Wait don't tell me

His thoughts were cut off by a small knock on his door, Taehyung scurried to open it forgetting about his appearance, hair still messy, clothes creased, cheeks red and stained, and eyes blood shot.

The door opened with a small creak revealing a panting jungkook in grey sweatpants and an oversized black shirt which basically was his pyjamas.

Sobs came out of the redhead, in honesty he doesn't know why he was crying, was is it the fact that Jungkook cared enough to come all the way to his dorm or that this gesture doesn't help with Taehyung's feelings towards the younger, whatever the reason was it left taehyung in a teary mess.

"Hey, hey, why are you crying?" Jungkook spoke with a warm tone carefully running his dainty fingers on the soft skin under taehyung's tired eyes.

Jungkook usually didn't know how to handle someone crying, he would either awkwardly pat them on the back or just leave them to be, but his actions towards Taehyung came natural as he extended his long arms to pull Taehyung's fragile body towards his chest and hold him as tight as he possibly could.

Taehying cried harder burrying his head in Jungkook's warm chest and wrapping his own arms around the other's back.

The younger rubbing his warm palm on taehyung's back whispering soothing words.

Staying like that for what seems like an eternity before Taehyung stopped, his cries coming down to occasional sniffles.

"Let's get you to bed hm?" Jungkook hummed pulling the older away to lift him, strong hands placed under his back and knees, while the latter simply locked his arms around Jungkook's neck, his eyes drooping close.

Plopping the slender body on the soft matress, Jungkook pulled the sheets to cover the caramel skinned male and gently tucked him in, planting a small peck on his forehead.

He turned heading for the kitchen, ready fix up a meal for the tore down boy in bed but was soon stopped by a small tug at his sleeve, he turned around to find a sight that sent a pang to his weak heart.

Taehyung rubbed his eye with his free hand croaking a small "stay".

The younger complied scanning the room for a chair but the older shook his head 'no' and simply lifted his bedsheets patting the space with his palm.

A sudden heat spread across Jungkook's body flushing him scarlet red as he crawled under the bedsheets, shifting awkwardly.

Soon long arms locked around his waist and a head was placed on his broad chest, the awkwardness swayed away, and Jungkook took a turn to wrap an arm around the other's thin waist pulling him even closer if possible.

The younger wished he can save this moment for eternity not knowing that another person shared the same wish.


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