Jin's coffee shop

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"Jungkook-ah wake up, you're late" a monotone voice moved the pale boy from unconsciousness followed by a light shake of his muscled arm.

The called boy groaned lowly, opening one of his eyes scanning his sourroundings.

"You're late." yoongi repeated once again with a blank expression.

"Hmm" Jungkook replied still in a daze, his eyes grooping, threatening to close.

"Meetup with your crush, remember?"

The once dazed eyes snapped Immediately, too busy to defend himself from what his hyung said, Jungkook lifted himself off the bed almost tripping on his bedsheets heading for the bathroom.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck" the young boy poured whatever was there's contents on his hair and rinsing.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck" he threw whatever his hands landed on praying it'll be fashionable enough to impress the boy he's meeting.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck" grabbing his keys and phone and dashing out of the dorm.

"Good luck" yoongi called out.

The older arrived a bit too early for their 'date', he can't help but feel excited at the thought of meeting the younger.

This feeling gave him dash of uneasiness but he quickly brushed it off as anxiety.
The sweet aroma of caramel distracted him from the lateness of the other as he looked around the cozy shop owned by his brother and his boyfriend for the milionth time.
Jin looked at the visibly anxious boy with sad eyes wondering if he was ditched.
The sad smile on Taehyung's face and gave away that he's giving up.
"Thanks hyung for the coffee, say hi to brother for me"
Jin smiled gently encouraging the visibly hurt boy.
"TAEHYUNG" a booming voice errupted through the small shop

Taehyung couldnt help but laugh out loud holding his stomach at the poor boy who's now on the ground beside a flipped table.

The younger swiftly got up brushing his clothes, ears beet red and flushed cheeks.

You just had to embarass yourself infront of your crush. Good job jungdumb.

The older finally finished laughing wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, his brown orbs beaming at the appearance of the brunette.

Taehyung motioned to a small table near the two, jungkook following the silent command sat down.
The brunette couldn't help but drown in the redhead's eyes seeing not single stars twinkling but a whole galaxy.


"I'm sorry what?" Jungkook woke up from his daze making taehyung roll his eyes playfully.

"I said I'll take full responsibility on what happened because it was obvious to the blind that it was my fault, so for the damage I'll pay" the formal words rolling skillfully off the blonde's tongue leaving Jungkook's mind to wander through erotic thoughts.

Embarassed, Jungkook hit his head subtly to shake them away, maybe not too subtly as Taehyung noticed this and asked him if he was okay carelessly holding Jungkook's other hand that was resting on the side of the table.

It may have seemed like a small gesture for Taehyung but for Jungkook, he was having a mental crisis.

"I-I'm okay" the brunette stuttered hitting himself once again.

The redhead chuckled slightly at his new friend's cuteness.

Jungkook got out of the shop after he got a call from his hyung that it's important, he sighed again missing Taehyung already.

Me and my writing have something in common, we're both trash

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