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His burning gaze was set on his target as he pushed through the crowd bumping into a few people who were too intoxicated by the alcohol to express their anger.

Once jungkook reached the couple who were rather enjoying their little kiss from jungkook's point of view when they were actually just awkwardly pressed against each other, eyes tightly shut and lips puckered as if it's their first kiss in middle school.

Suddenly they broke apart well someone broke them apart rather harshly causing the ginger to fall on his behind.

Jungkook missed the smirk that stretched on the latter's face and the thumbs up he shot at taehyung's worried face while dragging the strawberry colored head by the wrist.

Taeyung glanced worriedly down at the angry red spreading on his wrist before glancing back at the back of the brunette's head who opened door by door the bedroom upstairs, one time finding a couple making out and another having sex.

If Taehyung wasn't scared for his life he would be awfully disgusted and mentally scarred.

Opening another room, this time it was vacant so jungkook strolled inside followed by taehyung who obviously had no other choice.

Once he locked the door jungkook turned to a vulnerable taehyung, his expression softened a bit before hardening once the enraging scene he witnessed flashed in his mind.

"What the fuck was that taehyung?!" He screamed at the redhead who visibly flinched at his tone.

"What was what?" Taehyung answered feigning bravery but he failed to do so under jungkook's piercing gaze.

Taking full fists of the fabric circling Taehyung's neck, the brunette pulled him with force causing the distance between them to drastically drop to only a few centimeters, so close Taehyung can feel Jungkook's flaming breath fanning on his pale cheeks.

"Don't play dumb with me" Jungkook threatened in a low tone laced with danger that made the hairs on Taehyung's nape stand on end.

Jungkook was always that cute shy boy in Taehyung's eyes, the one who blushes at the simplest compliment, the sweet boy who liked cozy coffee shops and video games yet this jungkook infront of him was a complete new side, a side he never saw and it honestly made him scared shitless but he would lie if he said the angry jungkook didn't turn him on slightest bit.

"J-jungkook please calm down" taehyung muttered his irises dancing left to right in panic, his hand reached out to touch the younger's cheek hoping the action would calm down the younger which worked to an extent as Jungkook leaned in the other's warm touch closing his eyes, his sharp features softening before painfully pushing the palm covering his eyes with his own pair.

"When you texted me" he sighed before he continued "when you texted me I thought you finally gave me a chance to talk this through" he waved his hands  between them at the mention of "this" "I thought I could finally tell you how I feel after those long two weeks, those long long two weeks in which  I've forced myself to think through every action every word and every skip of heartbeat, I thought I'd finally tell you Taehyung how I feel, I thought I'd finally be happy but I just had to see you kissing another man right infront my eyes" jungkook pulled his hands away at a scene that shattered his already weak heart, Taehyung was crying, salty tears spilling from his beautiful eyes staining his cheeks as his lips trembled to let out a sob.
"Tell me taehyung" he started again "did that kiss mean nothing to you? Do you just go around kissing people and play with their feelings for fun? Is that what you do?" At his statements the redhead shook his head vigorously 'no' more sobs coming out of his pretty mouth.
Taehyung swallowed harshly before grabbing Jungkook's hands squeezing them tightly.
"J-jungkook" he started his sobs making it hard for him to speak "i fell for you, from the first day I saw you sitting in that corner i fell you, the times you were willing to spend time with me were treasured,  you cared for me in my low times and I would never forget that, although we've not known each other for a long time, I still fell for you, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but these feelings are new for me, I needed time to figure them out but jungkook I like you" he spoke looking straight in jungkook's dark orbs seeing how much love the other carried for him, how did he not notice it before? "I really do" he said burrying his head in between jungkook's neck and shoulder.

Surprise took over jungkook as if he didn't expect the other to return his feelings, at least that's what always happened to him before.

Snapping from his trance, Jungkook wrapped his strong arms around the sobbing boy's  body planting a kiss on his head mumbling a " I like you too" against his head as if it isn't the most obvious thing, squeezing his body closer to his til there's no space left.
The younger broke the hug to the other's dismay before lifting his chin and planting a soft kiss on his pink lips, their lips moulding perfectly together like two puzzle pieces that connected to reveal the most gorgeous scenery drawn with harmony and pure love, a kiss that tasted of salty tears yet so sweet.

The kiss gradually changed from sweet and innocent to intense as jungkook licked the redhead's bottom lip asking for permission in which he immediately granted opening his mouth for his sinful tongue to enter, taehyung moaned softly into the kiss as jungkook's tongue explored every nook and cranny of his pretty little mouth, he broke the kiss to trail sloppy kisses down taehyung's neck biting on the sensitive skin of his skin as taehyung tangled his hands in his hair pulling on it from time to time.
"There" said jungkook after painting his canvas which in this case is Taehyung with purple hickeys "now that hoseok guy will know you're mine"

Taehyung blushed a deep red hiding his face in jungkook's shoulder mumbling something along the lines of "how did I like such idiot"

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