Chapter 1: Mollie.

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~~ Pink Moon ~~​

==Chapter 1: Mollie ==

==Page 1: The beginning. ==

Japan, Tokyo in the year of 2016 the summer holidays were just over and a new year was about to start. The morning silence was broken by the voice of the clumsy purple haired individual, with rosy cheeks and eyes orange like the flame of the sun, it was Jessica!
Jessica: "I can't believe the holidays are already over I'm ready for anything but another year of studies...."
It was the first day of school, the bell rang for the first time, and you could notice from the looks on people's faces that they weren't ready for another semester and are still hung up from the hang overs.

The science teacher was first to enter the class but he was a new tutor for the majority of students. As soon as he welcomed his new pupils, everyone had their eyes on a red haired man, approximately in his late twenties, who possessed dark blue eyes, like the color of the sky before a beautiful sunrise...
"I'm very excited for this New Year; I believe we are going to have a great ride together without having any problems.... Right?! "

Oh, and he also had a really friendly face, unless you get on his bad side...
The class replied in intimidation: "Y-Yes we're sure we will....."
Science teacher: "Good now before introducing others I want to introduce myself. My name is Mr. Kai, but you can address me as Mr. K."
Class: "Nice to meet u Mr. K!"
Mr. K cheerfully replied: "Nice to meet you too everybody! Alright now before we make any progress I would like to introduce you a new student joining you for the start of this journey. Everyone please welcome: Mollie."
A girl with green eyes walked in, the kind of green that pushed its way through the piles of gritty snow to remind you that spring was coming, her hair was a floral shade of pink she approached the class in a very confident walk and a straight face as she introduced herself to the class in a very polite and kind manner but with a bit of hesitation.
Mollie: "H-Hello everyone!
My name is Mollie and my favorite color is pink! I'm 17 years old and I come from the Sakura high school I was born in Kyoto."
Jessica whispered to her friends in jealousy: "She is 17!! She is younger than us with two years!! Also; students from the Sakura high school are really smart!! I'm getting trouble vibes from this girl...."

While Jessica whispered to her fellow friends the thoughts she had, Mollie wasn't going to wait for her to finish and continued the introduction in the background.
"And of course I hope we all have a great year full of great memories... And bad marks haha."
Silence filled the class, but didn't stop there... It also invaded the corridor, it circulated throughout the entire school from that one joke that Mollie innocently said...
Mollie: "A-Alright t-thank you Mr.K!"
"No problem Mollie" Mr. K said after letting out a big cough "That was a great introduction! You may take the first empty seat over on the right" After Mollie acknowledged her place, the now excited teacher clapped his hands signaling the start of a fruitful year

"Alright now class who can remind me what's a..."
Mollie didn't leave the chance for her new teacher to finish his question and proceeded answering it. Relaying every single detail out there.
Mollie: "A cell? it's the smallest part in the human body and every part of any living creature, there are two types of cells a somatic cell and a sexual cell. Also-..."

But the so called science teacher wasn't going to stand still and allow such interruption, but proceeded to stop Mollie mid-way.
Mr. K: "Nice Mollie I'm loving your excitement for the new year and your detailing for every information, but you can't just interrupt my questions like this young lady, watch out next time!"
Mollie hesitantly replied: "B-But I thought you finished your whole question sir..."
Mr. K felt frustrated for how innocent Mollie was trying to sound: "No I did not! But even if you interrupted me in a very rudely. Your answer was more than enough and so I shall add you an extra point in the next science exam."
Jessica couldn't keep her jealousy contained: "WHAT?" She cried after slamming the desk "Are you serious sir! With all my respect she just interrupted you in a very rude way and even if we ignore that, we didn't even have a chance to answer you!!"
Mr. K sighed as he asked: "Firstly what is your name Miss?"
Jessica replied in a rude manner: "It's Jessica."
Mr. K rolled his eyes and said: "Ok nice to meet you Jessica now I know you are frustrated from this for some reason" He said sarcastically "But maybe it was cheer coincidence or luck, also her answer was perfect and I don't think you would've been able to overcome it, I heard you moaning over the new year beginning so do I assume wrong thinking you had nothing from last year in mind?"
Jessica defeated sat back in her chair mumbling words of defeat: "I guess we will never know..."
Mr. K trying to cool the situation around him apologized to Mollie and continued on with the lesson...

Jessica whispered to her friends: "I will not allow this girl to have the spotlights over us!"
After the first two hours of the year. A ringing bell penetrated the ears of the students announcing the lunch break.
Mr. K: "Alright Class this is it today for science, I hope you understood our lesson and make sure to solve the activities I gave you, see you tomorrow."
"Check this." Said Jessica after she gave her friends a wink and headed to where the new pink haired student was sitting, by the look on her face she wasn't going to be welcoming her anything of the case...

Mollie: "Hello jess!"
"T-Tsh! Who're you to call me that? Only my friends call me jess, and you are too irrelevant to even be called my servant!" Said the popular looking girl after stumbling upon her words.

"O-Ok" Said the now confused new student. "Hello, Jessica how are you doing!"
Jessica: "how ironic of you to ask, because I remember just a few hours ago how I was perfectly fine having my normal day until a brag with pink stained hair and a mind that seems full with hearts and rabbits and rainbows decided to show up and ruin it all, you really think you're fooling anyone with that goody-two shoes act of yours?" Jessica replied, it was obvious from the tone of her voice that she won't accept studying with Mollie for another day...
Mollie knowing Jessica's tempter decided to reply in the nicest way possible, but there was a hint of a tease in her voice... "Well we all get our good and bad days eh? I'm sure tomorrow will be full of good events and. Well, maybe you'll get a mark or two added to your exam!" She winked with a cheeky smile
Jessica: "You..."
The bell rang saving Mollie from hearing whatever Jessica was going to spit out, but also announcing the two last hours of the day, Mollie wasn't going to waste that chance and left the classroom, specifically heading to her locker to get books regarding... Wait it's the first day of school, she had no books to get... Well at least she was away from the purple monster... (Even the narrator is scared) but that safety didn't last long, making her way back Mollie was faced with the so familiar individual, Jessica blocking the way with her friends...

Mollie sighed with her gaze facing the ground "Can I head to the class please?"
"Let me think..." Said the bully sarcastically after letting out a chuckle.

After a few seconds she made an 'Ah' sound and raised a finger in the air "No! You can take the other way this is the popular student's route, you will be obliged to take the longer one"

A wave of thoughts flooded Mollie's mind... She is going to have a bad year if this keeps up but she can't let them get to her, it was obvious that being nice was driving Jessica mad, and keeping that up is just a lethal weapon against her. After tapping her feet she calmly sighed and took the so called "Non-Popular'' student's path.

Jessica was fed up and frustrated from Mollie's patience "WHY!! Is she not affected with confrontations? She is so disturbing!! Agh!"
After a long day Mollie couldn't think of anything but the idea of going to her room and jumping into bed. But she also had thoughts about her new school and the troubles it brought with it, she was thinking in every step how to overcome the childish acts from her classmates, suddenly her eyes widened as she remembered something critical, why did she hear the teacher finish his questions while he actually didn't? Many questions were roaming around her head but fate wasn't the nicest around, and thus her inquiries were left unanswered.

==PAGE 1 : END==​

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