Jeggy (Platonic) || Monster Coffee

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I sat in my first class of they day, which of course happened to be at seven in the morning. It's an ungodly time to be up at, honestly. Why would someone want to teach a class at this hour? Then again, our professor is godly in a way. He stays up all day, from the crack of dawn to the darkest time of night. It's insane.

I heard the chair next to me move and then three 'plop' noises. I glanced over at the person next to me and blinked a few times. The person sitting next to me was shorter than me by maybe four, five inches? I couldn't tell since we were both sitting down and I'm way too tired for this. She had curly brown hair that was pulled up into what seemed to be a half assed pony tail. I don't blame her if she did half ass job doing her hair. Between us was her bright yellow back pack and a Monster was in the cup holder.

She reached down and grabbed the energy drink before grabbing something in front of her, which I noticed was a coffee cup. If she does what I think she's about to do she's absolutely insane.

She popped off the lid to her coffee and I glance around the room for the professor. He was here right?? I really don't need the kid next to me having a heart attack. I hear the can of her Monster crack open and I wince.

"I'd rather die before get up at this time for this class again." I hear the student behind us whisper to their friend and wince again. They really are just pushing her, aren't they?? I glance over at her and watch as she pours her Monster into the coffee. I can feel my face turn to one of discomfort.

"I agree with you bud. Now I'm going to die." The girl next to me responds, laughing slightly as she puts the lid back on the now mixed coffee and energy drink. She quickly pulls the drink to her lip and takes a long sip. I can feel the eyes on us as the whole class watches her down the drink.

I see my friend Alexander give me a thumbs up, as if he was trying to tell me if things went wrong, I could save her. I give him a look that just screams 'you are insane!' but he just laughs. I hear the girl let out an 'ahh' as she pulls the drink away from her lips and sets it back on the counter. I give her a look of pity, a frown on my face. I really hope she doesn't die from this.

Everyone looks back to the front of the room as the sound of a cannon goes off. I jump, the noise startling. "Morning recruits!" The professor, 'General' Washington, exclaims, happily wearing his historic get up and all of us groan. This is going to be a long two hours...


After class I catch up to the girl sitting next to me and grab her hand, pulling her into an empty classroom. She lets out a gasp and glares at me. "What do you want?" She asks, seeming to want to get straight to the point. I falter slightly, her tone reminding me of my dad's. She notices this and sighs.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay after what you drank at the beginning of class." I mumble, shoving my hands into the pockets of my jeans. She snorts, throwing her head back as she laughs like it's the funniest thing she's heard in years.

"O-oh my God. You're obviously not familiar with me if you're asking if I'm okay!" She laughs, holding her stomach. I frown and look away from her. After a few more minutes, she calms down and apologizes. "Sorry, I'm Peggy. Peggy Schuyler. I'm known for doing dumb shit like mixing coffee and Monster."

I can't help but snort at that and hold out my hand. "John. John Laurens. I'm known as the turtle guy, but most people just ignore me." I respond. She grins and shakes my hand.

"Well prepare to get pulled into my dumb shit now John. You made the mistake of telling me your name and now you have to be my friend." She states, a lopsided grin on her face. I can't help but grin back.

"Good, I like dumb shit. I'm friends with probably the craziest people in the school." I answer, chuckling slightly.

"Nah, you weren't before, but now you are." She has this air of confidence around her and I can't help believe her, but I can't help but challenge her.

"Then you better prove it Pegs." I state, still holding her hand as I walk out of the room, dragging her with me.

"Oh you bet I will." She exclaims. I don't have to look at her, but I can tell that the grin is still there and her eyes are all lit up like christmas lights. Seems like I made a good friend. Only, she seems to be batshit crazy and enjoys Monster Coffee. Weird.

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