Hamliza || Adrenaline Rush

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"Alexander please, we can do the roller coaster before we go, I promise." Elizabeth Schuyler pleads with her boyfriend of one week. They were on their first date at an amusement park, and her boyfriend--Alexander Hamilton--was determined to ride the tallest, fastest, and scariest roller coaster there within five minutes of entering the park.

Alexander quickly pulls his girlfriend to his chest to stop someone from running into her before loosening his grip and looking down at her face that was paler than usual, her straight, long raven colored hair frizzled slightly, but he still couldn't help but feel his heart swell as she played with the bottom of her baby blue t-shirt that sported a kitten saying 'Be Pawsotive!' on it. "Aww, come on babe, it'll be fun. I'll be right there with you." He soothes, causing her to groan at his persistence.

"Alexander-" Elizabeth starts, going to start her monologue on how roller coasters are unpredictable and terrifying and how she doesn't feel safe on them. Alexander is quick to stop her though, placing a quick, gentle kiss to her forehead that makes her cheeks burn red. "W-we just g-got here! C-come on, I wanna see what else they h-have!" She stutters. She watches a group of people walk past them, but doesn't care who they are since she hasn't ever seen them before. She looks back to her boyfriend, taking in the small amount of scruff he called a beard on his chin, his long, dark brown--almost black--hair pulled back behind his head in a short ponytail, and his violet-blue eyes staring deeply into her own onyx ones.

Alexander pouts, and Elizabeth pouts right back, putting them at a standstill. After a few more seconds Alexander's resolve falters and he sighs, grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers. "An hour and a half, then we go back." He mumbles unhappily, and Elizabeth stands on her tippy toes to place a quick peck to his cheek, causing his own cheeks to burn with a light blush, which contrasted well with his skin tone that was maybe a shade or two tanner than her pale skin. "Okay, okay, so what first?" He says, a boyish grin appearing on his face.

Elizabeth's eyes light up and she starts dragging him around the park. They drove bumper cars--of course, a car made for two people because Alexander refused to ride without her because he didn't want to "completely decimate her", to which she scoffed--before moving on to the next ride, which was a tilt-a-whirl. Of course, Elizabeth decided their speed while Alexander twirled them faster, and at multiple times they were much closer than Elizabeth's father would have liked, but they didn't care as they laughed like the lovesick idiots they are. They proceeded to ride it two more times before Alexander was dizzy and she had to drag him to another ride.

For their third ride, the two got on a ride that had multiple chairs and went up and spun around before going back down. Of course, they managed to find a seat for two and Elizabeth snuggled up under Alexander's arm and they enjoyed the view before they had to get off. After that, they took a small break to buy a quick lunch--which consisted of some chicken sandwiches and a small salad for Elizabeth--and some sodas--Fanta®, strawberry flavor with no ice, for Elizabeth and Barq's® root beer for Alexander--to drink. Elizabeth also bought them a water bottle to share for later, before she dragged him off to go play some carnival games. The two played bottle ring toss, and after five tries Alexander won Elizabeth a giant stuffed Charmander stuffed animal.

She had proceeded to hug it tightly to her chest and kiss her boyfriend's cheek, making the twenty dollars he wasted worth it. After the ring toss, Elizabeth played a game where she had to climb a twisty rope ladder to win a stuffed animal and due to her years of gymnastics and tree climbing she won Alexander a giant stuffed Pikachu--which was promptly followed by a quick "If I were a Pokèmon trainer I'd choose you" from her, causing her boyfriend's face to turn beet red--before he kissed her cheek and carried their stuffed animals despite Elizabeth's protests.

After winning two stuffed animals and stopping for the two to sit down and drink their water bottle, they decided to do one more ride before they went on Alexander's roller coaster. Deciding to take a warm-up round, Elizabeth chose a small roller coaster and Alexander raised an eyebrow. "Hm? What are we doing in line for a roller coaster that is dangerous for our health?" He asks, a teasing tone in his voice. Elizabeth rolls her eyes at him and grabs her Charmander from him, hugging it to her chest and burying her face in the fabric of the stuffed animal. Alexander laughs and pats her head, only about four inches taller than his girlfriend.

"I wanna take a warm-up ride before we ride the one that you want to go on." She mumbles into the fabric of the stuffed toy, causing Alexander to smile and wrap his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. She snuggles into his side, the two stepping up every so often and rambling about anything they can think of before they're on the ride. The worker took their stuffed toys, since they were a safety hazard on the ride, so Elizabeth tightly grabbed her boyfriend's hand.

The roller coaster cars were slowly filled and they were sent on their way, Elizabeth tightly snuggled into Alexander and holding his hand so tightly he feared she might break it. He gently rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb, managing to intertwine their fingers and move his free arm behind her head and holding her close, running his hand through her hair as they made a slow ascent up a hill. As they reached the top, Alexander moved his arm back and Elizabeth gulped, fear filling her and tears starting to build up in her eyes but she made sure none escaped. Alexander wouldn't let her live it down if she cried now. The front car made it to the top and seemed to stop before they were all sent down the hill, Elizabeth screaming at the top of her lungs while Alexander laughed and still held her close as they took a turn, then dipped down again, his girlfriend screaming in fear once again. They took a few more quick turns, going up a hill before dropping down a small hill and getting back to where they boarded.

Alexander gently shook his girlfriend and she opened her eyes, not caring that her hair had frizzed up due to the wind. She did it! "Oh my god." She whispers, her heart pounding in her chest. Alexander chuckled at her and went to kiss her cheek before being taken by surprise as she placed her lips to his. His ears burned with blush but he kissed back quickly before pulling away and getting their stuffed animals. He hands her Charmander before taking her hand and intertwining their fingers, leading her down the ramp and towards the exit.

"Best first date ever." Elizabeth mumbled to him, leaning against him as they walked. He chuckled and nodded, a boyish grin on his face as he quickly pressed a kiss to her temple, causing her cheeks to burn a dark red with blush.

"Agreed." He mumbles back, surprised that he had truly been kissed on the lips by his girlfriend. He hadn't been expecting that but it was damn perfect. "Well, I should get ya home now, huh?" He asks, his eyes still shinning from the kiss that he got.

"Well, we could always get some ice cream before you do so." Elizabeth responds, causing Alexander to chuckle and keep walking with her. The two walked together, giggling and teasing each other, but never pulling away from the other, their fingers intertwined, and their stuffed animals pulled tightly against their sides as not to get them hit against anything. Taking a leap of faith, Elizabeth smiles at her boyfriend and presses a kiss to his cheek. "I love you Alexander." She mumbles, pulling her face away from his.

Alexander's face and ears burned a dark red and he grins like the lovesick idiot he is. "I love you too Elizabeth!" He exclaims, letting go of her hand for a moment and pulling her to his chest for a tight hug. Elizabeth's face burned with blush as well, but she hugged him back, a huge grin on her face and he pulled away slightly, moving his hand to cup her cheek, pushing her chin up so she was looking in his eyes as he leaned down slightly and gently pressed his lips to hers once again. She slowly closed her eyes and kissed back and after they pulled away they smile at each other and once again start heading for the ice cream shop.

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