Angeorges || Drunken Confession

326 5 2

tw for alcohol!!!


Angelica Hamilton cradled her bottle of booze, staring blanking at the top of her kitchen counter. She was drinking again, something she did when she was way too stressed for her own good. Though, stress wasn't why she was drinking tonight. She saw her phone light up and she managed to read the screen despite how difficult her alcohol consumption had made this task.

💚 Georges 💚

I'm on my way over. I know you're drinking again and you know how I feel about you drinking.

Pff, I'm not drinkin'
You must be confused
There's absolutely no reason to come here Georges

Too bad that your brother already tipped me off to the fact that you're drinking

He never did learn to respect my privacy
Why does it matter if I drink?
It's my body and I'm of legal age

It matters because it's bad for you!!

So what?
I don't even care anymore
I just want to forget things


You wouldn't understand

. . .

With that, the young woman puts her phone back down and takes another swig of her bottle, getting up and walking to her couch, which she quickly plops down on. She stays like that, finishing up the bottle and setting it on her coffee table before laying on her back and falling asleep.

A few minutes later, her apartment door opens and Georges walks in, having come over many times before Angelica doesn't care when they appear or if they appear at all. They see her passed out and walk over, checking her pulse and pushing her bangs away from her forehead. "You're so pretty... I wish I had the courage to tell you so when you're awake." They mumble, placing a kiss to the woman's forehead before picking her up bridal style and carrying her to her room.

Almost as soon as Georges starts walking, Angelica wakes up, still in a drunken haze. "Georges..?" She mumbles, getting a small hum in response. "Did I ever tell you how amazing you are?"

"Many times mon ami." They answer, not realizing that Angelica frowned at their wording of mon ami. They almost always noticed it when they paid attention to her amd not what they were doing, which was almost all the time.

"Georges? Have I ever told you how attractive you are?"  Angelica asks, her drunken state making her spew out whatever's on her mind.

"Not that I remember."

"Well you are. You're super attractive. Probably the most attractive human to ever exist.."

Now Georges was at her bedroom. They opened the door and walked into the room and over to Angelica's bed. They set said girl down and go to walk away before they feel their hand be grabbed.

"G-Georges... A-am I pretty?" Angelica whispers, strands of her dark brown hair getting in her face as her eyes water. Georges stops and turns around before sitting on Angelica's bed and holding her hand.

"Of course you are, Angie. You're very pretty, and very beautiful." They whisper, causing the woman to sniffle and use her free hand to push some hair out of her face.

"I don't feel pretty, or beautiful. I feel like a mess.." She mumbles, not sure if she was going to break down into tears. Not like she had much control at this point, and she was probably going to forget all of this.

"Shh, shh, don't say that Angie. You're still pretty, even if you don't feel that way." They whisper, running their free hand through the girl's hair.

Angelica nods as that and wipes away the tears that had gathered in her eyes before sitting up as Georges' hand fell from her hair. The older of the two raises an eyebrow, confused as to what the other was doing before suddenly they're pulled onto the bed more.

Angelica then rests her head on Georges' shoulder, closing her eyes. "I'm probably not going to remember any of this, so there's something I wanna do." She whispers.

Georges looks at her, confused before the other's lips are on theirs. Their face quickly flushes but they don't pull away, slowly closing their eyes and kissing back. Angelica slowly leans back onto her bed, bringing the other down with her.

After a few more seconds they pull away, both of their faces covered with blush. "Angel.. I didn't know you felt that way about me.." Georges whispers, and Angelica smiles ever so slightly.

"Well I do. Do you accept my drunken confession?"


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