Hamgelica || There's A Lake I Know

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okay im just in a ham mood so i'll be doing this request haha

also i don't ship these two so let's see how this goes

this one is somewhat based off of the song but instead of staying in New York, Alex goes with Angelica and Eliza

also Im going to say that Eliza and Alex are still married at this time, but have been working on getting divorced (mainly due to the lack of returned feelings) and Alex and Angelica are now dating since Angelica had left her husband so yeah!


Alex knew he would probably lose his job if he went. Scratch that, he would lose his job. At the moment though, he didn't care. He still loved his Betsey—just not in the way that he should. He had come to see her as a sister as his feelings for Angelica grew, and he had come to her with that truth. Was Eliza hurt? Most definitely. That didn't stop her from stepping to the side though. She wanted Alex to be happy, even if that wasn't with her.

It wasn't his fault that he had fallen for both sisters, it just happened. So when Angelica came to him three months ago and came clean about her love for him; he kissed her. It was passionate, loving, and there was a feeling of lust in there. And Angelica didn't complain—she knew she should have stopped him, but she didn't dare to do so. They shouldn't have done that to Eliza, but Angelica wasn't going to complain as she was given what she had wanted ever since that night. He gave her everything she wanted and she did the same for him.

They betrayed Eliza right in his office, right on his desk. Eliza didn't even care when she was told. She just smiled, said 'congrats' and walked away. She did the same two months ago when Angelica said she was pregnant. She was leaving Alex and they all knew it. And on Eliza's side, she felt like she was taking the first deep breath she had in years.

So now all of them were heading up to tue Schuyler Mansion in Albany. Alex and Angelica excited talking about their child and sharing longing glances—as if they couldn't wait to get out Eliza's seeing eyes and start doing what they wanted.

The carriage stopped and everyone piled out. Angelica quickly grabbed Alex's hand and let him to the park near the mansion, going to show him the lake that Eliza and her had loved as kids. They got there and the two stripped down to their undergarments before jumping into the water.

Alex was somewhat scared but he didn't mind it too much. It was calm and dark and they were under the night sky and they had the whole place to themselves. Angelica swam towards him and floated next to him, making sure he was okay. Once she was sure he was fine she pressed a kiss to his lips, smiling slightly as he kissed back, the two of them not daring to hold each other at the moment so they didn't go under.

Alex did pull himself closer to her though. Since he was smaller he clung to his girlfriend, his arms wrapped around her neck and his hands finding their way to her hair as she kept them above water, not at all minding his additional weight.

After a few seconds they pulled away for air and Alex stared at her. "Hey Angel?" He mumbles softly, staring into his lovers brown eyes.

"Yes Alexander?" Angelica responds, smiling at him as she starts taking him to the shore.

"When Eliza and I's divorce goes through, can we get married?" He mumbles, resting his head on her shoulder and pressing a kiss to her neck.

"Of course we can dear." She responds, blushing at the thought. Mrs. Angelica Hamilton. She liked the sound of that. She'd be Mrs. Hamilton soon, and the only Mrs. Hamilton, since Eliza would be changing her surname back to Schuyler.

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