Angeorges || Your Reality

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don't question the ship it's from an AU that @LupinTheBlueWolf and I have >.>


Angelica Hamilton thought of herself as talented and smart, that she was too much for anyone, and even promised herself to never fall for anyone, so when Georges Lafayette walked into her clubroom she knew she was a goner. Georges was tall, and a bit chubby but nobody seemed to care since their new club member was nice. Georges had introduced themself as nonbinary, requesting that everyone refer to them with they/them pronouns.

Angelica soaked up information like a sponge, just like her father and aunt that she was named after, so she knew right away that she'd have to work hard if she wanted to be with Georges. Philip--Angelica's older brother--smirked at her, knowing that his little sister had fallen off of her throne of indifference. Georges looked at her and she quickly looked away, covering her now red cheeks. The hour of club time seemed to pass too soon, and then she and Philip were walking home, her brother teasing her constantly about her new crush.

❝Every day I imagine a future where I can be you❞

A week had passed and since then, Angelica had completely melted into a puddle. It scared her father, but he didn't comment, instead just watching as his daughter seemed to become obsessed with someone he didn't know. Now for Angelica, she was just embarrassed club leader, trying to make sure everyone had a good time, and she noticed that the one day that Georges missed, everyone seemed to be upset. She guessed that it was because when thet were around she wasn't as uptight about everything. She wasn't sure though. But she would admit that she had been imagining her future with Georges. Angelica Lafayette... She loved the sound of it.

❝In my hand, is a pen that will write a poem of me and you❞

Every night the job was to write a poem, and Angelica was smart. She knew she couldn't come out and say that she liked Georges. No, that would be horrible and everyone would tease her and Georges might not even like her! So, she just left subtle hints. She wasn't going to get teased about her crush by anyone other than Philip, and her brother's teasing was annoying. For now, she was just going to enjoy herself and how it felt to be in love.

❝The ink flows down into a dark puddle❞

Suddenly she dropped her pen, causing it to break open and ink to flow out, causing her to scowl. She stares at the puddle for a few seconds before going to grab a towel and starting to clean it up, throwing the pen in the trash. She grabs a new pen, sighing before smiling as she notices it was the one with a tiny heart on the end. She pulls off the cap and lays back down on her bed, continuing to write her poem. 

❝Just move your hand--write the way into their heart!❞

She grins as she thinks of this. She was so going to write her way into Georges' heart, and they'd be happy with her. Together they'd be happy, and it'd be perfect. She imagined a kid--maybe even two!--and they'd look like a mix of her and Georges. They'd act like Georges, but they'd have her smarts and charm. All of them would be happy together.

❝But in this world of infinite choices, what will it take to find that special day? What will it take to find that special day?❞

Angelica finished up her poem, adding a dot at the end of her sentence before setting her stuff on her desk and changing into her pajamas. She then yawns and heads back to her bed, crawling under her warm covers and dreaming of the day she and Georges would be together. She didn't know what it would take to find that day, but she was so excited for it. She had lost that indifference, and she was going to make all of it worth it.

❝Have I found everybody a fun assignment to do today?❞  

The next morning, Angelica packed up her things, quickly rereading her poem again and hugging it to her chest, grinning, before putting it in her backpack and putting her pen next to it. She threw her long dark brown hair into a high ponytail, making sure that she got her bright blue bow on just right before staring at her reflection in the mirror. She smiled, but her reflection didn't smile back, causing her to blink and shake her head. She tried again, and she got her reflection beaming back at her, causing her to grin and nod, quickly dusting off her school uniform before putting on her backpack and heading to school, deciding to leave her brother behind today. He'd show up later.

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