Peglex || Cuddles

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i wanna try something different so i'm writing peglex (peggy x alex) even tho i hardcore ship hamliza and jeggy ((maybe i'll try writing laurliza later too haha))


"Alex!!" Peggy whines, tugging on her boyfriend's arm as she tries to get him to cuddle with her. "I wanna cuddle with youuuu!" She tries to drag him away from his computer but there isn't much use. He gets his arm free from her and keeps writing his email.

Peggy huffs, pouting before wrapping her arms around her boyfriend's neck and nuzzling her nose against his cheek. "Come onn. We can do whatever you want later." She whispers, trying to bargain with him.

Alex sighs and moves Peggy's arm before turning around in his chair so he's facing her. He picks her up, making her squeak in surprise and wrap her limbs around him quickly. He chuckles at her, making her cheeks turn red in embarrassment, and carries her to their bed.

He puts her down on the bed and throws off his t-shirt before laying down on the bed. Peggy grins in victory and snuggles right up against her boyfriend's side, resting her head on his chest. She stayed like that for about a minute before Alex moved her so she was laying on her stomach on top of him. His hands find her hair and he plays it, being careful not to disturb the beauty that is his girlfriend.

"How could anyone give you up?" He whispers quietly to himself, knowing that his girlfriend had probably clocked out by now. She normally did this. He'd make them coffee, at least three cups, and then they'd go do their own thing for a while before she came and whined about wanting cuddles. As soon as he cuddled with her and she got comfortable, she fell asleep quickly.

For a second, Alex thinks of his own ex, Eliza--Peggy's older sister. Their breakup had been mutual, just like Peggy's breakup with Alexander's best friend--John--had been. Somewhere in their old relationships, Eliza had gone to John for comfort when Alex unintentionally ignored her, and Peggy would come to Alex whenever she had a problem or a complaint. John and Eliza had ended up falling for each other, same with Alex and Peggy, and the rest was history.

Had Alex loved Eliza? Yes, once upon a time, and there was still a part of his heart that still loved her, but it wasn't like it was in the beginning, where her even glancing at him made his hair stand on end and his mind go to mush as he tried to impress her. He was sure that Peggy had the same feelings when it came to John. There was a part of her that he knew would always belong to John, but Alex? He got everything else, and that was fine with him.

Did Alex think things could have been different? Yeah, of course. If Alex had spent more time with Eliza, gave her more attention, loved her more, he knew he'd still be with her. Though, he didn't want to think of the 'what if's. For now, he just wanted to cuddle his girlfriend and sleep in peace.

He was just about to sleep when she spoke up. "Alex?" Peggy calls softly, looking up at her boyfriend.

He looks at her and raises an eyebrow, blinking away his sleepiness. "What is it babe?" He asks softly, pushing himself up slightly so he didn't fall asleep on her without warning.

"D-do.. Do you think we made a mistake?" She asks, her voice cracking slightly. So he hadn't been the only one thinking about it.

"You mean by the two of us dating and Eliza and John dating?" He asks, though he knows he doesn't need to. They hadn't talked about anything from the past before. They just knew it changed their lives, not bothering to question if it was for the worst or for the best.

"Yeah. I mean... I don't feel you're as happy with me as you where with Lizzy." She mumbles, her cheeks burning ever so slightly with embarrassment.

"Pegs, I'm happy with you, alright? Your sister and I... I don't even know what happened there. Everything felt rushed due to circumstances... With you I'm more comfortable. I don't feel the need to rush and you actually force me to listen to your problems instead of hiding them away." He explains and she nods.

"I love you Alex.."

"I love you too Pegs."

"Now, can I get more cuddles?"

"Of course you can!"

With that, the two found another position to sleep in, Alex holding Peggy close to his chest as his girlfriend had one leg tossed over his waist and an arm wrapped around his torso. Sure, they weren't perfect, but nobody was, and they were happy with who they were with and who they were, and they loved each other. To them, that's what really mattered.

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