Hamliza || Taking A Break

706 15 3

slight angst™

this isn't the song btw

modern au


Eliza was infuriated. She understood very well just how busy Alexander was, but now it was just ridiculous! She was expecting for the third time now, and he still didn't even think to spend time with her! She was so done with her so-called husband. She sat on their shared bed and glared at the empty space in front of her, her hands finding their way to her hair and she gripped it tightly, a scowl on her face.

How dare he. He could make personal time for everyone but her. He even spent hours upon hours on the computer, writing emails to people and writing his stories. She let out a growl, letting go of her hair and grabbing a pillow. She shoves her face into it and screams, standing up and stomping her foot like a child. She had every god damn right to be angry! He was ignoring her like he always did!

She pulled her head away from the pillow and put it down just as the door opened and her husband walked into the room. She forced herself to look away from him. She knew if she made eye contact with him, or even looked at him for that matter, she would melt and forgive him, just like she's done every single time for the past six years. She didn't think she could forgive herself if she forgave him once again.

Alexander looked at her, trying to pick up on what was wrong with his wife. He walked over to her, causing her to turn her back to him. He sighed and gently wrapped his arms around her waist. "Betsey..." He whispers, gently placing a kiss to where her neck and jawline met. "What's wrong?" He asks softly, nuzzling her cheek with his nose.

Eliza tensed and huffed, closing her eyes. He knew full well what was wrong. "You know, Alexander." She mumbles, hostility in her voice. She rarely ever called him by his full name, it was always Alex. Alexander froze slightly at the use of his full name and sighed. She moves his hands away from her waist and sits down on the bed, moving so that she's on her side of the bed and turning her back to him.

Alexander sighs and looks at his wife, frowning. "Betsey, please talk to me. I don't know what's wrong." He mumbles, crawling into bed with her and wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him and pressing his nose against the back of her head and closing his eyes. "Please, I want to fix it..."

"Oh, now you want to fix it?! Alex, you've been doing this to me for six years! I don't even know why! Every time I ask you just brush me off and act like I don't exist, and whenever you actually have free time, you leave to go hang out with your friends or you spend time with the kids--and I'm glad you do--but what about me? I don't even mean to be selfish but I hate being brushed to the side and I just can't do it anymore!" She exclaims, pulling away from him so she can sit up and look him. She knew that she was tearing up and that she'd probably start crying soon but right now she didn't care.

Alexander blinked at that and frowned. "Betsey... I didn't even realize... I'm so sorry..." He mumbles, sitting up and pulling her into a hug. She wants to push him away, to yell at him, to let him know how he made her feel, but she can't. She can't make herself do anything, so she just buries her face in his chest and silently cries. He rubs her back with one hand, the other running through her hair as he whispers apologies and sweet nothings to her.

Eliza sits there like that for about half an hour, her tears stopping after twenty minutes and just staying there for ten. "I-I'm sorry, I'm being selfish like always and I know you're busy with your job and you want to still spend time with your friends and the kids are a huge priority of yours--" She's cut off and Alexander moves so that his hand is under her chin and makes her look up at him. He quickly presses his lips to hers and her cheeks to turn a dark red.

Alexander pulls away and looks at her, his hands on her shoulders now. "Betsey, you are not selfish. You're the most selfless person I know! You spent six years--as you said--dealing with me not giving you personal time with me and didn't even complain! That's insane and I'm so sorry that I ever made you feel like it might be your fault. I'm forgetful and I'm seriously sorry about it. I promise I'll try to make more time for you because I love you and you deserve to be my number one priority, and I'll make sure to give you as much attention as I can, as well as pay attention to the kids and my friends." He says, moving one of his hands to brush a few stray hands on hair away from her face.

Her cheeks turn red and she makes eye contact with him, feeling herself melt and just become helpless all over again. "You don't have to..." She whispers, causing her husband to gasp and hug her even tighter. She squeaks at the sudden movement but doesn't comment.

"Yes, I do, and to prove it, I'm taking a break for you for a whole week." He says, resting his chin on top of her head. She nods and hugs him back, resting her head on his chest and closing her eyes.

"Alright... I love you Alex..." She mumbles, a small smile on her face.

"I love you too Eliza." He mumbles, quickly pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

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