Chapter s e v e n

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"Mom, what's it like to fall in love?" I ask curiously while brushing my hair.

It's finally long enough to braid, which makes me very happy.

"Hm, that's a tough one sweetie."

"What was it like for you and daddy? Was it like in the movies?"

Taking my purple princess hairbrush from me, my mother pulls up a plastic stool and works out the knots for me.

"In a sense, we both met at our school's writing class. When I first laid eyes on him, my heart stopped. He was far more handsome then the other guys in the class and I couldn't look away. When I finally got the nerve to talk to your father, I asked him what he was writing, and he said love. I asked him what exactly about it, and he said the falling. He offered to let me read it and I was in awe. The way he wrote it was so....enthralling. It had me captivated." "What was it he wrote mommy?" I ask while looking over my shoulder.

"He wrote 'I am not a man of many words, but this is what I have concurred: falling in love is like falling apart, being broken down and given a brand new start. Falling in love is like the night sky, so many wishes and possibilities flying by. And I, a mere man, have deciphered by looking into her eyes, that this thing called love, and falling into it, is quite alright'."

I spin around quickly and peer up into my mom's hazel eyes. They're beautiful, I wish my eyes were hazel.

"My daddy wrote that? Was it about you? Because your eyes are pretty too mommy."

The corners of her mouth tilt upward and she smiles.

"After we got married, he told me it was. I cried a little."

My mouth falls open in shock. Why would my mom be sad about that? Aren't you suppose to be happy about that kind of thing? Almost as if she read my mind, she shakes her head.

"They weren't sad tears, they were happy tears. I was very happy."


I place my hands on my cheeks and sit on the ground next to where my mom laid the hairbrush.

"Will I ever fall in love mommy? It sounds wonderful."

"I know for a fact you will, some strong, lovely, young man will see you and you'll take his breath away. He'll love you so much he'll never leave your side."

I stand up gingerly and give my mom a hug, teetering slightly.

"I love you mommy."

She hesitates momentarily before replying.

"I love you too."



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