Chapter f o u r t e e n

501 27 9


ღi love you, don't you mind?ღ

"....I was made, to love her. Been working at it,"

I stir and allow my eyes to open slowly. The room blurs and swirls until my eyes finally focus. Realization abruptly clutches at my heart and I jolt upright and turn my head.


A smile tugs at his lips, but he keeps his eyes closed and keeps singing the lovely tune.

"Have all my life, I've been an addict. And she's, been good, to me. Far as I can tell, she's happy..."

"Finn! Oh my god Finn! You're okay!!" Heat rushes to my cheeks as I struggle against my sheets to get up.

"Careful there Mills, wouldn't want you to get hurt again."

He opens one of his beautiful deep brown eyes and trains it on me, his smile growing even bigger.

"W..when did you get back? I didn't hear you come in."

My heart rate is slowly starting to return to its normal speed, but I know it'll never be as long as he's around.

"Erm, maybe like three, four hours ago? I don't really remember."

I nod and chew on my lip absent-mindedly. I should be happier, right? I mean, he's okay. I should be ecstatic. Swinging my legs over the side of my bed, I gingerly apply my weight on them and half trip, half limp my way over to him.

"Ya sure you should be doing that? The ER isn't a great place to stay at."

I roll my eyes and pull myself onto his mattress and look at him. Surprisingly, his hair looks...perfect. If you connected all his freckles you could create constellations. Maybe that's just him though, maybe that's Finn Wolfhard. Just something about him that's equal parts mysterious and lovable, so lovable that you'll always be intrigued to listen to whatever spills from his mesmerizing lips. "What?" He laughs.

"What are you staring at? My tube crooked or something?"

Finn moves it for good measure, never breaking eye contact.

"Well, say something."

My eyes start to water, so naturally I wipe them away and start laughing awkwardly. "I missed you..." I whisper.

"I was so scared that I was gonna lose you, the one good thing in my life."

He drops his smile and carefully takes my face in his hands. The pads of his fingers caress me so delicately, like I'm a priceless piece of art he'd hate to break. "Millie, I'll always, always be here for you. Even when I'm not."

I scrunch up my eyebrows at the last part, but dismiss it almost immediately. "Good...cause I don't know what I'd do without you."

Mustering up a weak smile, I wrap him in a tight hug. It's kinda hard, considering we're both sitting at different angles, but we make it work. Even if we don't have the odds, we have this. And I think that's enough. While pulling away, a random question pops into my head.

"What song were you singing while I was asleep? It was really pretty."

Finn adjusts his nose tube like it's a tie and winks.

"Oh, that old thing? Just Let My Baby Stay by the one and only Mac Demarco," he replies smoothly, popping the 'o'.

"I'll have to download it sometime."

"Or I could just give you the CD," Finn shrugs. I smirk.

"That would be great."

He sits up gingerly and brushes his hair out of his face.

"So what'd ya do while I was gone?"

His eyes go everywhere but mine, and the uneasy feeling is back.

"Uh, I tried to write, watched some TV, ate, etcetera."

Finn mumbles something to himself and finally looks at me.

"God Millie, you're beautiful."

I can tell I'm blushing a very unflattering shade of red, and the knots in my stomach once again vanish.

"You're just being nice Finnie."

"Nah, we're friends, and friends don't lie. I'm only telling the truth."





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