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A/n frick i love the 1975
Song from video is fallingforyou by The 1975


Yuuri Katsuki

Lucky for me for today to be a saturday, i dont know if i would be able to handle meeting a hot guy one day and then getting beat up the next. That would just make me more insecure than i already am.

My phone dings, notifying me i have a message.

IceKing: hey, we don't know each other but i would really like to get to know you. Phichit sent me a picture of you and i must say that you're quite adorable.

Katsudon.Lover: hmm.. You dont wanna be friends with someone like me...

IceKing: why would that be? ):

Katsudon.Lover: i'm a disgusting, good for nothing, ugly, fat, pig.

IceKing: dont speak so lowly of yourself!

Katsudon.Lover: why is that?

IceKing: because as of today and right now, we are officially friends and you can't say no.


"Yuuri! Can you come help me lift some boxes?", My sister, Mari, calls from downstairs. "Sure.", i say shrugging although she cant see me shrugging; why did i do that? ugh.

I look back at my phone.

IceKing: as of today and right now we are friends! you cant say no.

I sigh before putting my phone in my pocket, then go downstairs and greet my sister before taking a few boxes and helping my sister move them into the empty guest bedroom next to my room. No ones ever lived in this room, but my parents have been thinking of renting it out and posting it online just so we could make more money. Ugh i hate my life. Maybe someday i'll have the courage to just end it all...

IceKing: so. Tell me about yourself.

I roll my eyes.

Katsudon.Lover: my name is Yuuri Katsuki, im 17 years old and a Senior in high school. I'm also Japanese and my favorite food is Katsudon which is Pork cutlet bowl in english.

IceKing: ohohoho Japanese! cute. I'm Russian, my name's Viktor Nikiforov, my favorite food is probably Pizza.

Katsudon.Lover: Pizza?

IceKing: I may be Russian but i do love a lot of american delacasies!

Katsudon.Lover: i've never had American food... Is it good?

IceKing: .... If we ever meet i am totally going to take you to a place with American food!

Katsudon.Lover: Well, okay then... I should go...

IceKing: No wait!! stay just a little longer please?! I wanna get to know you more!

Katsudon.Lover: *sigh* Fine. Only because I imagined you pouting and its cute.

Heart out // ViktuuriWhere stories live. Discover now