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Yuuri Katsuki

Waking up the next morning, i felt very warm and safe. This time i recognized the feeling and the warmth, knowing its the love of my life and remembering that i now live with him and we are together.

I opened my eyes and looked up with a smile to see Viktor lightly treading his fingers through my hair with a soft look in his eyes. I smiled and nuzzled into his chest, still knowing its bare, but not really caring.

"Baby, we've gotta get up. We have school today.", he reminds me while rubbing up and down on the middle of my back, making me more relaxed and less nervous about going back. "Mm. Okay.", i sigh before sitting up to stretch my limbs, then getting up to put on an outfit for the day.

Time skip

I walk in to school ahead of Viktor while he sits in the car because he wanted to talk with Yurio for some reason.

I felt better about coming to school ever since Viktor told me about what happened between JJ and him, it made me really happy knowing he stuck up for me.

I was about to move until i felt a pair of arms around me, i recognized these to be Phichit. "Yuuri! oh my god, you're okay!", he sobbed into my shoulder while i rubbed his back with a chuckle. [a/n anyone else getting flashbacks from 'you're a jerk' in a way?]

"Yes, Phich, i'm fine.", i let go of the hug as Phichits eyes land on something behind us, he glares. "Yuuri, theres something you should-", he gets interuppted when i get pounced on, causing me to giggle as i fell to the floor, looking up i saw Viktor hugging me. "Vityaaa~ What was that for?!", i giggle as he gets up and offers a hand, so i take it and stand up while holding his hand. "wait- you know- he- i- what?!", Phichit tries to find his words as he looks confused.

Viktor and i giggle before i turn to Viktor, putting a hand through his hair as he leans down and captures my lips into a passionate kiss with my fingers in his hair.

"fUCK YES MY OTP IS CANON!", I hear Phichit yell before running around the entire campus just shoutting it out, "SS VIKTUURI HAS SAILED AND IS CANON!"

Heart out // ViktuuriWhere stories live. Discover now