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Viktor Nikiforov

I was awaken the next day by being shook, like someone was shaking me. "Viktor... Viktor!", i heard a familiar voice, then i fell out of my chair when they yelled my name really loud. I yelled too.

I opened my eyes to see Phichit, Chris, Georgi, and Mila standing nearby- but it was Phichit who shoutted my name and scared the living shit out of me. "Fucking hell, Phichit..", i sigh before getting up, then looking at Yuuri on his bed to see he still has half a smile on his face; i must have fallen asleep here...

"Not his fault you wouldnt wake up.", Chris grinned and the others giggled. I rolled my eyes, "Excuse me.", i leave the room and push past them.

I sit on a chair outside Yuuri's room, then pulling out my phone to see a bunch of texts from Yurio.

SaltyKitten🐱: where are you?

SaltyKitten🐱: guessing you're visiting Yuuri

SaltyKitten🐱: have to text you because idk the hotel wifi pass

SaltyKitten🐱: found it

SaltyKitten🐱: Makkachin and i are going for a walk, its cleared up

SaltyKitten🐱: oi Baka, i see you reading these!

Me: yeah, yeah, sorry. I'm visiting Yuuri and i guess i fell asleep at his hospital bed. I'll be back soon, heading back now because i have a meeting with a CPS worker today to discuss things.

Heart out // ViktuuriWhere stories live. Discover now