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[a/n i had to put this as the pic for this chapter.. dont judge me! also this chapter is cringey but i didnt know what to do til next chapter and thought this was funny kms]

Yuuri Katsuki

The next morning, i was too tired and i insisted for Viktor to cuddle up in bed with me, but he worked through the pain and did everything he could to make sure i was feeling alright and was comfortable...

It was about 6PM by the time Yurio had come home with a guest.

I worked through the pain as Viktor and i sat on pillows secretly on our chairs as we all ate Katsudon for dinner; including Yurio's guest.

Yurio eventually told us that this is his boyfriend; Otabek Altin. Sounds like Viktor's gonna do some research soon- aka when Otabek is gone.

"Dad, can you pass the salt?", Yurio asked as Viktor and Otabek both reached for the salt, making Yurio's face turn bright red.

Viktor narrowed his eyes at Otabek as the boy let go of the salt, also looking embarassed and flushing.

i tried my best to change the subject, "Honey, Yurio called you 'dad'! He's warming up to you!", i rubbed Viktors arm soothingly as he looked at me with a soft smile, making me feel domestic like this.

I could get used to this.

Heart out // ViktuuriWhere stories live. Discover now