30 - epilogue

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[a/n had to stop it at this]

huge time skip

Viktor and Yuuri are out of high school now just as their son Yurio starts his third year of high school.

Viktor and Yuuri have been dating for two years now.

It was Viktors idea to take Makkachin on a little walk at the beach today, which ended up in all of them getting soaked as they ended up playing in the water after Makkachin came running around them with sea weed on her head.

Viktor and Yuuri started to make a bunch of sand castles.

Yuuri wasn't very good at it, so his lover decided to help him as they made a sand castle together. It was a kingdom. They made a backround for it.

"This is the kingdom of Katsudon!", Viktor exclaimed with a heart-shaped smile as Yuuri giggled.

"It has two queens. Victoria and Yulia."

"That sounds alot like Viktor and Yuuri.", the raven-haired male retorts with a smirk as they both giggle once again, both of them filled with giggles once more.

"They have a beautiful daughter named Alina. Along with a cute poodle named Makka!", Makkachin barked at Viktors words, "Not Makkachin- just- Makka!"

Viktor continued to tell Yuuri the story of their kingdom, including the cute family inside his imagination that lived in their castle. Viktor knew now was the time and place to do what he's wanted to do since he fell in love with Yuuri.

"Hey! Whats that?!", Viktor pointed behind Yuuri as Yuuri turned around, looking for what Viktor was pointing at as the platinum-haired male snuck something inside the castle while his lover wasnt looking.

"I dont see anything.", The coffee-brown eyed male turned back around as his lover shrugged.

Makkachin suddenly barked, then jumped onto their sand castle as it collapsed, making Makkachin run off into the water covered in sand.

The two lovers laughed for a long time at this.

When they stopped, Yuuri looked down into the ruins of the sand like he saw something. He quickly dug around the sand and what he found made him cry as his lover picked it up.

Yuuri stood up as Viktor kneeled on one knee.

Viktor took Yuuri's hand.

"Yuuri Katsuki. We have been together for two amazing and perfect years. You are the one and only one for me, you always have been and always will be. I knew you before you even knew of my existence and i fell in love with your body, i fell in love with you, and everything about you. I knew stuff about you because i had heard your friends say amazing things about you, making me fall deep in love with you. So, Yuuri, will you do me the honour of marrying me?", Viktor looked at Yuuri with a love-filled gaze, as if he was on cloud 9.

"YES! ABSOLUTELY YES!", Yuuri flung himself into his now, fiancé's arms.

And they lived happily ever after.

See you next level!

Heart out // ViktuuriWhere stories live. Discover now