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[a/n the picture above is something mya & tea will understand]

Viktor Nikiforov

I rushed over to Yuuri's house in hope he would open the door to see me and explain whats going on.

I knocked on the door in a panick with my heart racing; will i finally see my Yuuri? Is he okay?

A short woman who looked very upset opened the door and looked at me, "How may i help you?", she said in a somewhat low voice; as if she had been crying. "Uhm, Yuuri katsuki lives here, right?", i ask nervously while rubbing the back of my neck as the lady nods and my eyes light up with joy, "Is he here?", i ask; i hope he is... Oh please, my Yuuri... Be okay... "I'm a friend of his--", i was cut off with the lady crying and running off before a taller woman with blonde and black hair, smoking a cigarette, came to the door with a questioning look.

"Yuuri tried to kill himself yesterday so he's in the hospital. No need to tell me who you are, Yuuri blabs about you all the time, Viktor. But tell me- how are you here?", she raises an eyebrow at me while crossing her arms and leaning against the door frame. My whole life crumbles before my eyes as my heart breaks with tears in my eyes, my Yuuri tried to kill himself? but-- how? why? "I cant exactly give you a straight answer right now, but can you tell me where he is staying?" [a/n then give her a gay answer ;D]

Heart out // ViktuuriWhere stories live. Discover now