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A/n i love this song sm


Viktor Nikiforov (look who finally gets a POV)

The next day, i was instantly pissed and i grabbed all my stuff for school as quick as i could. Yuuri said he wasnt going to school today and i knew he was definetley fucked up real bad, which pissed me off to the extreme.

When i got to school, i looked around to try and find the one person i was looking for. I heard a bunch of giggling, then turned my head to see the dick i was looking for. I instantly went up to him at a fast pase before pushing him, "WHAT THE FUCK, MAN?!", i snarled as everyone around us gasped and whispered to each other. "What? What'd i do?", he asks raising an eyebrow before i push him again but with more force, "YOU HURT YUURI! I THOUGHT YOU WERE COOL! THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?", i snarled at JJ with fierce eyes. (a/n DUN DUN DUN PLOT TWIST BITCHES AHAHAH)

"So? that fag deserves it.", he winks at some girls, causing them to squeal. "You asshole. Yuuri is one of the most precious, adorable, and amazing people ever.", i clench my fists so hard my knuckles start turning even whiter and i feel my fingernails in my palms. "What? do you like him or something?", i really wouldnt normally tell this asshole shit, but, this is for Yuuri. My Yuuri. "As a matter of fact, i love him. Mhm. I'm gay. I'm in love with Yuuri Katsuki and i don't care if he doesn't feel the same way-- i would live, i would die, i would breath, i would do anything for him if it meant his safety.", i huff in anger while everyone continues whispering and its just an intense stare between JJ and i.

"You know he wears girl clothes, right? he's gay, he's never kissed anyone, he's still a fucking virgin, and--", i interuppted JJ by punching him so hard that i made a mark on his cheek, then kicked his stomach until blood came out of his mouth. "Don't mess with my Yuuri ever again or i'll fucking kill you. I don't care that he's a virgin and hasnt had his first kiss, i would fucking love to be his first. He is everything to me.", i kick him harder in the stomach one more time before huffing angrily.

"NIKIFOROV! MY OFFICE! NOW!", the principal shouts, i spit on JJ before going over to him to follow him to his office. This is all for you, Yuuri... i love you..

Heart out // ViktuuriWhere stories live. Discover now