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Viktor Nikiforov

I had decided to stay in a hotel nearby the hospital just so i wouldnt have much trouble getting to the hospital and it wouldnt take as much time. I'm also lucky the hotel allows pets and my good friend Yuri Plisetsky, or as i call him, Yurio- because of Yuuri-, is taking care of my place while im away.

I worry about Yurio... Hes only 16 and his grandfather is a sweet man but he is slightly ill, so i worry about the both of them. I sigh, shaking my head before getting up to go to the lobby and get some coffee with a muffin or biscuit.

I make my way out of my room, then down the stairs and as i'm about to go to the room in the lobby with food and drinks, i see a very wet Yurio with a raincoat, soaking wet clothes, soaking wet hair, and tear-stained eyes standing in the lobby near the reception desk; i can only assume he was looking for me.

"Yura? What are you doing here?! and without an umbrella, too?!", i rush over to him and bring him into the room i was about to go into, then making hot tea and coffee for us as i hand him a muffin. "G-grand-grandpa... H-he...", Yurio seems to be trying really hard not to cry, "H-he died... H-he f-fell down th-the stairs an-and hit his h-head... h-his back ga-gave out on h-him...."

Heart out // ViktuuriWhere stories live. Discover now