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A/n tfw ur writing this book and ur trying to make it good but you also just wanna shove Yuuri at Viktor nd be like "nOW FALL IN LOVE"


Yuuri Katsuki

I sit in my 4th period class, just waiting for the bell to ring so i can go to lunch with Minami and Phichit so that JJ doesnt find me and doesnt start to hurt me like he usually does whenever i'm not with my friends.

The bell rings and i instantly grab my bag before running out of the classroom quickly so no one can catch up to me, then quickly go to the outdoors lunch table where i see my best friend Phichit waiting for me. I sit down accross from him with a sigh. "Hey Yuuri, how are things with Viktor~?", he winks before taking another bite into his sandwhich, making me blush at his question and get all flustered. "U-uhm h-he's cool... W-we're good f-friends-- i-i th-think...", i rub the back of my nervously before looking down at my blue skirt that goes well with my shirt that says, 'It's just you and i tonight, why don't you figure my heart out?'.

"Why d-do you ask?", i ask Phichit nervously. "You two seem to be really close.", he chuckles before folding his hands together and lacing each of his fingers together, making me raise an eyebrow at him. "You like him, don't you~?", Phichit teases me with a wink as i blush madly, "A-as a f-friend!", i say trying to defend myself as i fidget with my skirt nervously. Phichit chuckles, "I mean like, would you date him? You two are my new otp so i need juicy details~", he gives me a pleading look and i sigh in acceptance. "O-ok yeah.. I l-like him... He m-makes my heart r-race, he g-gives me b-butterflies in my st-stomach, he m-makes me fl-flustered, h-he's super h-hot..", i fidget with my shirt before hearing Phichit squeal.

"Yuuuurrriii~ You totally love him, don't you~?", he teases me more, making my face go even more red, if that's even possible, as i shake my head violently. "You just don't know it yet.", he smirks before throwing away his paper lunch bag at a nearby trashcan, making me giggle at how he made it into the trashcan from sitting down. Yet, one question still remains on my mind.

Do i love Viktor?

Heart out // ViktuuriWhere stories live. Discover now