1: Angel Unicorn

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Santana's POV

It seemed to be happening in slow motion. Brittany was innocently glancing over the tiny raft she had to herself. She claimed that she saw a magical version of herself, and she wanted to see it again. That was where she made her mistake.

She was so keen on seeing her reflection again, that she tipped the raft too far to the side, and suddenly it flipped over. She was abruptly thrown into the water, a tiny squeak erupting from her throat.

Now if it were someone else, I wouldn't care. But Brittany was my best friend, and I don't think she knew how to swim.

Without a second thought, I dove off of my raft, that had been smoothly sailing behind hers, and I found myself underwater, searching for my best friend. It didn't take long for me to spot her, but I knew helping her back up to shore would be difficult. I resurface just to take a deep breath, then dive back down, swimming down to her easily.

Her limbs were flailing, her eyes wide, but at least she knew not to inhale the water. The moment she saw me, she relaxed slightly. I grabbed her arm, moving my gaze up to the surface. I glanced back down to her for a moment to see her eyes drooping closed. I slung her arm over my shoulder, kicking back the water, and finally, when the cold air pierced my skin, I inhaled a giant breath.

I collapsed onto shore, lying Brittany down gently beside me. Water dripped from the strands of my hair, but I didn't really care at the moment. My focus was more on Brittany. When I saw that she wasn't attempting to catch her breath, my eyes widened in realization.

Shit. I don't know CPR! I thought with panic, but I sat up to help her either way. Here goes nothing...

I placed my two hands against her chest, and push down hard. When nothing happened, I tried again, and I saw that the water was escaping her mouth. I pressed down once more, resulting the water spurting from her mouth. My shoulders sagged in relief as her eyes slowly open.

"Are you an angel?" She croaked, her eyelids still drooping. "Or a unicorn? Or-" she gasped, her eyes wide now. "An angel unicorn?"

I chuckled at her words. I don't know what drew me towards her. We were complete opposites. I was bitchy to everyone but her, for a reason unknown to everyone, including me. I guessed it was because she didn't have any flaws for me to call out. Brittany was perfect, and she didn't deserve to be bullied. She was beautiful, innocent, and everything good in this miserable, stinking world.

"No, Britt, it's me-"

"Santana!" She cut me off, sitting up only to hug me awkwardly.

My lips curled upwards into a smile as I hugged her back. "Yeah, Santana. Your angel unicorn."

"I get my very own, personal angel unicorn?" She exclaimed in excitement. "This is best day ever!"

And it could've been your last. I bit the words back, not wanting to ruin her joyfulness. Usually I'd find someone's happiness sickening, but with Brittany, it was refreshing.

"You know what the best part is?" She asked. I shook my head in reply. "I didn't know you're an angel unicorn. Why didn't you tell me? That's so awesome!"

"I wanted to keep it a secret to surprise you, but I guess it slipped out," I shrugged, going with it.

"Aw, Santana," she broke the hug to pinch my cheeks. "You're so sweet."

I opened my mouth to reply, but then I remembered where we were. Our rafts were long gone with the current of the river, along with the glee club as well. We were out there for a school-funded trip because Mr. Schue wanted us to cheer up after losing Nationals.

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