2: Last Day of School

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Santana's POV

I woke up, feeling a strange weight on half of my body. I groaned lightly, my eyes slowly opening. My arm was numb, my other arm wrapped around something. No. Someone. Brittany.

My eyes widened when I realized Brittany was half laying on me. Her legs were tangled with mine, the side of her head on my chest. My arms were wrapped securely around her, and I noticed that the reason my arm was numb was because she was on it.

Our faces were mere inches away, and I knew if I leaned forward just a bit, our faces would meet. I pushed the thought away as soon as it came.

When I attempted to move, she held me closer, though her eyes were still closed and her breathing was still slow.

"Britt," I whispered.

No response.

"Brittany," I said a little louder. "Wake up."

Still nothing.

My arms left her waist, resulting in a tiny whimper from Brittany.

I could only think of one word for that.


I giggled lightly before squirming around in an attempt to leave Brittany's grasp. But damn did she have a grip. She clutched onto me tighter, rolling over so that she was completely on top of me.

Well that just made things way more difficult.

Our faces were even closer this time, and I actually had to fight the strange urge forming in my stomach. I raised my arm up to her face, unconsciously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. My hand lingered on her face, my thumb rubbing on the smooth skin.

Brittany was so damn perfect. I didn't deserve her as a best friend, or anything really.

Brittany mumbled something before her brilliant blue eyes opened. She seemed startled that our faces were so close, but she didn't move away immediately. My eyes studied her face. Her captivating blue eyes that got darker when she was angry. Her nose that crinkled when she was confused. Her perfectly shaped lips that curled up a bit on the ends when she smiled.

I couldn't convince myself that I wasn't in love with my best friend. But I knew that was all we could ever be. I highly doubted that she played for the same team, and even if she did, she probably wouldn't want someone like me.

I used to be so confused as to why I warmed up to Brittany so quickly. When I first saw her, something just clicked. And now there we were. Staring deep into each other's eyes like they were our lifelines.

Call me a sappy romantic all you want. But when it came to Brittany, I'd be anything.

"Good morning," she broke the comfortable silence with her deep morning voice.

Damn that was really hot.

"How's my Angel Unicorn? I didn't crush you by rolling on top of you did I?" She giggled sheepishly, her adorable blue eyes looking at me shyly.

"No, this is kind of comfy, actually. But you were on my arm so... it fell asleep."

"Ooh, I'll wake it up! Which arm?" When she addressed my arms, I realized I was still caressing her face lightly with my thumb. I didn't stop, though.

"My left one."

"Uh..." she slowly moved up, and I instantly missed her presence. "Which one is that?"

I took the arm that wasn't numb, and guided her hand to my other arm. "That one."

She gave me a tiny grin, her hand tracing light circles on my arm. It began to tingle at the touch. "Is it awake now?"

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